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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Functions, Applications, Skill Development

Other Titles in:
Business & Management | Psychology

440 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management takes a unique three-pronged approach that gives you a clear understanding of important HRM concepts and functions, shows you how to apply those concepts, and helps you build a strong skill set you can use in your personal and professional lives.


The authors use a variety of engaging applications and skill development exercises to improve your comprehension and retention. Featuring 90% of the 210 required SHRM 2013 Curriculum Guidebook topics, this text emphasizes current trends and the challenges facing HR managers today, provides you with key insights on important issues, and prepares you for successful careers in human resource management.


Key Features:

  • More than 180 required topics in the SHRM 2013 Curriculum Guidebook are covered in the text, equipping you with the knowledge you need for successful management careers
  • Application activities in every chapter help develop your critical thinking skills, while skill development activities in every chapter build and improve a variety of management skills
  • A chapter on Organizational Ethics, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility discusses how HR managers can help create ethical, socially responsible organizations
  • Trends and Issues in HRM at the end of every chapter introduce you to increasingly important and cutting-edge topics such as social media, gamification, globalization, data management, and more.

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PART I. 21st Century Human Resource Management Strategic Planning and Legal Issues
Chapter 1. The New Human Resource Management Process
Why Study Human Resource Management (HRM)?

21st Century HRM

Disciplines Within HRM

HRM Responsibilities

HRM Skills

HRM Careers

Practitioner’s Model for HRM

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 2. Strategy Driven Human Resource Management
Strategy and Strategic Planning in the 21st Century: The Organization and the Environment

The External Environment



Organizational Culture

An Introduction to Data Analytics for HRM

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Measurement Tools for Strategic HRM

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 3. The Legal Environment and Diversity Management
The Legal Environment for HRM: Protecting Your Organization

A User’s Guide to Managing People: The OUCH Test

Major Employment Laws

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

EEO, Affirmative Action, and Diversity: What’s the Difference?

Sexual Harassment: A Special Type of Discrimination

Religious Discrimination

Trends and Issues in HRM

PART II. Staffing
Chapter 4. Matching Employees with Jobs
Employee and Job Matching

Workflow Analysis

Job Analysis

Job Design/Redesign

The Job Characteristics Model (JCM)

Designing Motivational Jobs

HR Forecasting

Reconciling Internal Labor Supply and Demands

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 5. Recruiting Job Candidates
The Recruiting Process

Organizational Recruiting Considerations

Internal or External Recruiting?

Challenges and Constraints in Recruiting

Evaluation of Recruiting Programss

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 6. Selecting New Employees
The Selection Process

Looking for “Fit”

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Applications and Preliminary Screening

Testing and Legal Issues

Selection Interviews

Background Checks

Selecting the Candidate and Offering the Jobs

Trends and Issues in HRM

PART III. Developing and Managing
Chapter 7. Training, Learning, Talent Management, and Development
The Need for Training and Development

The Training Process and Needs Assessment

Learning and Shaping Behavior

Design and Delivery of Training

Assessing Training

Talent Management and Development

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 8. Performance Management and Appraisal
Performance Management Systems

Why Do We Conduct Performance Appraisals?

What Do We Assess?

How Do We Use Appraisal Methods and Forms?

Who Should Assess Performance?

Performance Appraisal Problems

Debriefing the Appraisal

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 9. Employee Rights and Labor Relations
Managing and Leading Your Workforce

Job Satisfaction

Commonly Accepted Employee Rights

Management Rights

Coaching, Counseling, and Discipline

Legal Issues in Labor Relations

Unions and Labor Rights

Trends and Issues in HRM

PART IV. Compensating
Chapter 10. Compensation Management
Compensation Management

Organizational Philosophy

Legal and Fairness Issues in Compensation

Job Evaluation

Developing a Pay System

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 11. Employee Incentives and Benefits
The Value of Incentives and Benefits

Individual Incentives

Group Incentives

Executive Compensation

Statutory Benefits

Statutory Requirements When Providing Certain Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary Benefits

Flexible Benefit (Cafeteria) Plans

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 12. Workplace Safety, Health, and Security
Workplace Safety and OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Employee Health


Workplace Security

Workplace Violence

Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 13. Organizational Ethics, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility
Ethical Organizations

Codes of Ethics

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


Trends and Issues in HRM

Chapter 14. Global Issues for Human Resource Managers
Globalization of Business and HRM

Legal, Ethical, and Cultural Issues

Global Staffing

Developing and Managing Global Human Resources

Compensating Your Global Workforce

Trends and Issues in HRM



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  • EXCLUSIVE! Access to full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter 
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  •  Test banks built on Bloom's Taxonomy provide a diverse range of test items with Respondus test generation
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  • Editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides offer complete flexibility for creating a multimedia presentation for the course
  • Additional cases with teaching notes guide further analysis
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  • EXCLUSIVE! Access to full-text SAGE journal articles have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter to encourage students to think critically
  • Video and multimedia content appeals to students with different learning styles
  • Web resources provide further research and insights.

“The three-pronged approaches are very important. I feel I am lacking of proper materials to encourage students in applying the concepts through critical thinking and application. The textbook under review did good job on this aspect.”

Wai Kwan (Elaine) Lau
Marshall University

“Not only does it provide examples from older techniques and policies, it provides the changing perspective that modern HR managers must face.”

Tony Daniel
Shorter University

“I feel that you have covered every major topic in an introduction to HR course.”

Samuel L. Rohr
Purdue University North Central

“The course that I teach was designed and developed in a manner that enhances critical thinking skills and the use of case studies to provide hands on and in class experiences that provide opportunities to learn from peers.  This text works very well with the way my course was designed. I am a firm believer in setting up a student for success. All of these tools available at the instructors’ disposal will allow for an effective and efficient opportunity to enhance the learning experience for the student. I personally incorporate as many tools or modes of instructional delivery as possible to accommodate the different learning styles that students have.”

Marie A. Valentin
Texas A&M University

“It is a very comprehensive overview of HRM and the HR function. I especially like the references to and integration with other management disciplines and areas such as finance and strategic management."

Brian Martinson
Tarleton State University

“It is a great way to introduce students to Human Resource Management fundamentals. The topics are specific and students can easily understand them.”

Tony Bledsoe
Meredith College

“The information is very easy to understand and absorb. It is also interesting to read. I have used the Lussier / Hendon textbook for my doctorates course.  I enjoyed it a great deal and it was very beneficial.”

Joni Koegel
Cazenovia College

“Appropriate level of writing. Style is clear, concise, and logical flow.”

Richard Bahner
Kean University

“The topics are appropriate. I particularly like chapter 9 dealing with rights and employee management. Although these concepts are covered in most of the textbooks, this is the one I have seen that did most justice to it by pooling them together under one chapter for in depth coverage.”

Hudson Nwakanma
Florida A&M University

“I am very impressed with the content of all chapters and consider all chapters to be highly valuable and relevant for HRM courses. The three-pronged approach is my preferred approach to take in a course. The discussion of concepts provides the foundation they need to be able to work with applied exercises, and the development activities can help students overcome pitfalls identified during application exercises.”

Kelly Hall
Stetson University

Robert N. Lussier

Robert N. Lussier is a professor of management at Springfield College and taught management for more than 35 years. He is a prolific writer, with more than 500 publications to his credit. His articles have been published in the Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Business Horizons, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Family Business Review, Journal of Business Strategies, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Small Business Strategy, SAM Advanced Management Journal, and several others. He also has a human resources management textbook (with John Hendon) published by SAGE and other textbooks... More About Author

John R. Hendon

John R. Hendon is a seven-time entrepreneur and former director of operations for a $60 million company. He brought his experience and interests to the classroom full time in 1994 and has been a Management faculty member at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock for over 17 years. An active member of the Society for Human Resource Management, he teaches in the areas of Human Resources Management, Strategy, and Organizational Management, and researches in a number of areas in the Management field, specializing in Entrepreneurial research. John is also currently the President of “The VMP Group,” an Arkansas-based business consulting firm.... More About Author