The Primary ICT & E-learning Co-ordinator's Manual
Book One, A Guide for New Subject Leaders
- James Wright - Primary Advisor, Lancashire Education Authority
Classroom Applications of Technology | Computer Skills | Leadership in Educational Technology
Book 1 is designed specifically for co-ordinators new to the role who need starting points and broad support. It presents a structured training programme split over three terms, guiding co-ordinators through the key stages of developing and implementing ICT policy and practice, including:
o auditing existing school systems
o reviewing and revising the school policy for ICT
o reviewing the ways in which ICT is used as a teaching and learning tool across the curriculum
o examining methods for the management of technical support services
o establishing a clear overview of standards in ICT, including a review of assessment procedures, moderating work, monitoring teaching and learning and creating E Portfolios.
The books have a companion website, which will offer downloadable versions of the photocopiable sheets from the book, as well as links to other sources of help and advice.
[This book is] absolutely wonderful. It will be my new Bible... I have used it loads already in preparation for my ICT Mark assessment. Taking on the role of ICT co-ordinator can be quite a daunting task but this step by step guide, breaking things down into manageable chunks will be very supportive. I love the blogging idea - the comments made by the characters are very realistic. This is just what new co-ordinators need, I wish I’d had this when I took over co-ordination of ICT! - Christine Beedham, Primary ICT adviser, Warrington