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Organization Development

Organization Development
The Process of Leading Organizational Change

Fourth Edition

512 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Organization Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change, Fourth Edition offers a comprehensive look at individual, team, and organizational change, covering classic and contemporary organization development techniques. Today's practitioners seek a solid foundation that is academically rigorous, but also relevant, timely, practical, and grounded in OD values and ethics. In this bestselling text, author Donald L. Anderson provides  students with the organization development tools they need to succeed in today’s challenging environment of increased globalization, rapidly changing technologies, economic pressures, and evolving workforce expectations.

Exercises and Activities


1. What Is Organization Development?
Organization Development Defined

Making the Case for Organization Development

What Organization Development Looks Like

What Organization Development Is Not

Who This Book Is For

Overview of the Book

Analyzing Case Studies


2. History of Organization Development
Laboratory Training and T-Groups

Action Research, Survey Feedback, and Sociotechnical Systems

Management Practices

Quality and Employee Involvement

Organizational Culture

Change Management, Strategic Change, and Reengineering

Organizational Learning

Organizational Effectiveness and Employee Engagement


3. Core Values and Ethics of Organization Development
Defining Values

Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner?

Core Values of Organization Development

Changes to OD Values Over Time and the Values Debate

Challenges to Holding Organization Development Values

Statement of Organization Development Ethics



4. Foundations of Organizational Change
Levels and Characteristics of Organizational Change

Models of Organizational Change: Systems Theory and Social Construction Approaches

Organizations as Systems

Organizations as Socially Constructed


5. The Organization Development Practitioner and the OD Process
The Consulting Relationship and Types of Consulting

The Organization Development Consulting Model

OD Practitioners: Who Are They and Where Do They Work?

The Organization Development Consulting Profession

The OD Consulting Process and Action Research

A Dialogic Approach to OD


6. Entry and Contracting



7. Data Gathering
The Importance of Data Gathering

Presenting Problems and Underlying Problems

Data Gathering Process

Data Gathering Methods

Creating a Data Gathering Strategy and Proposing an Approach

Ethical Issues With Data Gathering


8. Diagnosis and Feedback
Diagnosis: Discovery, Assessment, Analysis, and Interpretation

Finding Patterns by Analyzing Data

Interpreting Data

Selecting and Prioritizing Themes



Ethical Issues With Diagnosis and Giving Feedback


9. An Introduction to Interventions
Interventions Defined

Why Interventions Fail

Considerations in Selecting the Right Intervention Strategy

Structuring and Planning Interventions for Success

The Change Agent’s Role in the Intervention

Ethical Issues With Interventions

Overview of Intervention Techniques


10. Individual Interventions
Individual Change and Reactions to Change

Individual Instruments and Assessments



360 Feedback

Career Planning and Development


11. Team Interventions
Defining Teams

What Makes a Successful Team?

Special Types of Teams

Team Development

Team-Building Interventions

Intergroup Interventions


12. Whole Organization and Multiple Organization Interventions (Part 1)
Characteristics of Contemporary Large-Scale Interventions

Organizational Culture Assessment and Change

Organization Design and Structure

Directional Interventions


13. Whole Organization and Multiple Organization Interventions (Part 2)
Quality and Productivity Interventions

Interventions in Mergers and Acquisitions

Transorganization or Interorganization Development

Dialogic OD Consultation and Interventions


14. Sustaining Change, Evaluating, and Ending an Engagement
Sustaining Change After the Intervention


Ending an Engagement: Separation and Exit


15. Global Issues in Organization Development
OD’s Challenges in a Global Environment

Dimensions of Global Cultural Difference

OD Values, Interventions, and Culture

Case Examples and Research Findings

Advice for the Global OD Practitioner


16. The Future of Organization Development
Increasing Complexity of Change

Changing Workforce Demographics

Changing Nature of Work

The Current State of OD: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Opportunities

Conclusion: The Future of OD


Author Index
Subject Index
About the Author


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  • A Microsoft® Word® test bank is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
  • Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course.
  • Teaching notes for cases are designed for instructors to expand questions to students, or initiate class discussion
  • Sample course syllabi for semester and quarter courses provide suggested models for use when creating the syllabi for your courses.
  • Chapter-specific discussion questions help launch classroom interaction by prompting students to engage with the material and by reinforcing important content. 
  • EXCLUSIVE! Access to certain full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected for each chapter. Each article supports and expands on the concepts presented in the chapter. Combine cutting-edge academic journal scholarship with the topics in your course for a robust classroom experience.
  • Carefully selected, web-based video links and web articles feature relevant interviews, lectures, personal stories, inquiries, and other content for use in independent or classroom-based explorations of key topics.
  • Additional readings provide a jumping-off point for course assignments, papers, research, group work, and class discussion.

Student Study Site

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The open-access Student Study Site at includes the following:

  • EXCLUSIVE! Access to certain full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected for each chapter. Each article supports and expands on the concepts presented in the chapter. This feature also provides questions to focus and guide your interpretation.
  • Carefully selected, web-based video links and web articles feature relevant interviews, lectures, personal stories, inquiries, and other content for use in independent or classroom-based explorations of key topics.
  • Additional readings provide a jumping-off point for course assignments, papers, research, group work, and class discussion.

If you teach online classes and want to satisfy the Quality Matters Rubric requirements for your class this text offers all the tools you will need to organize your class and meet the requirements for a QM Certification.

Joseph Cooper
Business Accounting Division, Mercy College-Dobbs Ferry
April 14, 2018

Organization Development Fourth Edition The Process of Leading Organizational Change was straight forward and concise. The chapters are not long and seemed to hold the attention of the students well.

Professor Renee Chu-Jacoby
Management Dept, California State Univ-Fresno
June 30, 2018

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 4

Chapter 12

Donald L. Anderson

Donald L. Anderson, Ph.D., University of Colorado, teaches organization development at the University of Denver and organization design at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is a practicing organization development consultant and has consulted internally and externally with a wide variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 corporations, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions. Dr. Anderson’s research interest is in discourse in organizational and institutional settings, and his studies of organizational discourse and change have been published in journals such as the Journal of Organizational... More About Author