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Journal of Stroke Medicine

Journal of Stroke Medicine

Published in Association with Indian Stroke Association
Other Titles in:
Clinical Medicine | Neurology | Stroke

eISSN: 25166093 | ISSN: 25166085 | Current volume: 7 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-annually

Journal of Stroke Medicine is the official publication of Indian Stroke Association (ISA), Chennai, India. ISA was registered in 2002 and has grown over the last 18 years. Currently, more than 800 members from India and across the globe are associated with ISA.

The objectives of the Association are as follows:

1. To encourage scientific research in stroke and allied disciplines;
2. To promote, develop, provide exchange of knowledge as well as technical cooperation between research institutions in India; and
3. To conduct conferences, refresher courses, lectures, seminars, and exhibitions related to the stroke research.

The Indian National Stroke Conference (INSC) is held every year in the month of March, and ISA Stroke Summer School is organized every year for young neurologists, physicians, nurses, and therapists. ISA also conducts awareness activities for the public. The World Stroke Congress in the year 2016 in Hyderabad was organized by ISA in partnership with the World Stroke Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The scope of the journal is to publish peer-reviewed, high-quality research in the field of stroke medicine including epidemiology, pathophysiology and basic science, acute stroke treatment, stroke care services, surgical treatment, nursing, prevention, rehabilitation, clinical trials, and social implications. The journal strives to strike a balance between cutting-edge stroke research and practice of stroke medicine across the globe with special emphasis on low- and middle-income countries and Asia.

Lakshmi Narasimhan Ranganathan Director and Professor of Neurology, Madras Medical College, India
G Arjundas MGR Medical University and Indian Stroke Association, Chennai, India
P M Dalal Past President, Indian Stroke Association, Mumbai
Associate Editors
P N Sylaja Department of Neurology, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Kerala, India
Deepak Arjundas Vijaya Group of Hospitals and Mercury Hospital, Chennai, India
Dheeraj Khurana Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Sunil K Narayan Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry and Stroke Subsection (Indian Academy of Neurology), Pondicherry
Vinit Suri Institute of Neurosciences, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
Ashok Uppal Stroke Foundation, Amritsar and Uppal Neuro Hospital, Amritsar
Anand Alurkar K.E.M Hospital, Pune, India
V G Pradeep India
Rohit Bhatia Neuroscience’s Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
M V Padma Neuroscience’s Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Kameshwar Prasad Neuroscience’s Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Assistant Editors
Subhash Kaul Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Secunderabad, Telengana
Shirish M Hastak Wockhardt Group of Hospitals
Man Mohan Mehndiratta Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research-GIPMER (Delhi University), New Delhi
M R Sivakumar GLB Hospitals, Chennai
D Nagaraja NIMHANS, Bangalore
Sanjith Aaron India
Mahesh P Kate Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and India Alliance (the Wellcome Trust/DBT, India), Punjab, India
National Members
Jeyaraj Durai Pandian Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Jayanta Roy University of Calgary, Canada and AMRI Hospitals, Mukundapur, India
S P Gorthi Kasturba Medical College Hospital, Manipal, India
Arvind Sharma Zydus Hospital, Ahmedabad and BJ Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Anand Vaishnav Vadodara Stroke Center, Vadodara Institute of Neurological Sciences
Kumravelu Ramesh Hospitals, GUNTUR, Andhra Pradesh, India
P Vijaya Lalitha Superspecialities Hospital, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Vivek Nambiar Amrita institute of Medical Sciences, Ponekkara, Kochi, Kerala, India
Gigi Kurutukkulam Rajagiri Hospital, Kochi, Kerala
Vikram Huded Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre, Bommasandra, Narayana Health, Bangalore, India
Vipul Gupta Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Rajsrinivas Parthasarathy Artemis Agrim Institute of Neuroscience, Gurgaon, India
Yogeshwar V Kalkonde SEARCH Gadchiroli, Maharashtra, India
International Members
Stephen Davis The Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia
Geoffrey A Donnan The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Australia and The University of Melbourne, Australia
Craig Anderson Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Australia and The George Institute for Global Health at Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, P.R. China
Bernard Yan Melbourne Brain Centre at Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia and University of Melbourne, Australia
Amanda Thrift Monash Medical Centre, Australia
Bruce Campbell Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia
Richard Lindley Westmead Clinical School, Australia; The George Institute for Global Health, Blacktown Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Valery Feigin AUT University, New Zealand and University of Washington, Unites States
Velandai Srikanth Monash University, Australia
Rita Krishnamurthi Auckland University for Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Bo Norrving Lund University, Sweden
Markku Kaste University of Helsinki, Finland and Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
Michael Brainin Danube-University Krems, Austria
Werner Hacke University of Heidelberg, Germany
Valeria Caso University of Perugia Stroke Unit, Italy
Thorsten Steiner Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst, Frankfurt and Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
Patrik Michel Centre Hospital Universitaire, Lausanne, Switzerland
Gary Ford Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK and University of Oxford, UK
Peter Langhorne Universty of Glasgow, UK
Andrew Demchuk University of Calgary, Canada
Michael D Hill University of Calgary, Canada and Health Science Centre, Canada
Mayank Goyal University of Calgary, Canada and Calgary Stroke Program, Canada
Patricia Lindsay Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Canada
Pooja Khatri University of Cincinnati, USA
Joseph Broderick UC Neuroscience Institute, Cincinnati, USA
Aneesh Singhal Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Seemant Chaturvedi University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA
Shyam Prabhakaran Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA
Vineeta Singh San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, USA and University of California, San Francisco, USA
Gregory Roth University of Washington, USA and Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, USA
Bruce Obviagle Medical University of South Carolina, USA
Liping Liu Capital Medical University, China
Ming West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China
Lawrence Wong The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Vincent Mok The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia, Hong Kong
Nijasri C Suwanwela Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Mohammed Wasay, MD Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Yohanna Kusuma National Brain Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia
Mursyid Bustami National Brain Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia
Jose C Navarro University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Philippines, Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center, Philippines and St Luke’s Medical Center, Manila, Philippines
Jong S. Kim University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Tsong-Hai Lee Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
Thang Huy Nguyen Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, HCM city, Vietnam and The People’s 115 hospital, Vietnam
N Venketasubramanian Ramani Raffles Hospital, Singapore and National University of Singapore, Singapore
Shinichiro Uchiyama International University of Health and Welfare, Japan and Sanno Hospital and Sanno Medical Center, Japan
Udaya Ranawaka University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Padma Gunaratne The National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mayowa Ojo Owolabi University of Ibadan, Ibadan and Blossom Neurorehabilitation Center, Ibadan, Nigeria
Rufus Olusola Akinyemi University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria and University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria
Gisele S Silva Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil
Pablos Lavados Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile and Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Foad Abdallah Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Ashfaq Shuaib Hamad Medical Corporation, UAE
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    South Asia includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives


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