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Introducing Research Methodology

Introducing Research Methodology
A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project

Second Edition
  • Uwe Flick - Freie Universtität Berlin, Germany

March 2017 | 320 pages | SAGE South Asia

In the second edition of this textbook designed for new researchers, Uwe Flick takes you through the process of doing a research project. This book leads you from the fundamental characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research to their associated research questions. It helps you to develop the fundamental data collection and analysis skills needed for your first project, and a thorough understanding of the research process as a whole.

Written in an accessible style without the complicated use of terms and details, this book would be an ideal companion for the beginning researcher while providing support to the more experienced scholar.

The book will help you to answer questions such as:

• How do I develop a research question?

• What is literature review and how do I conduct one?

• Is a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approach right for my research question?

• How could I collect and analyse data?

• What if I want to do my research online?


Preface to the Second Edition
Part I: Orientation
Chapter 1: Why Social Research?
Chapter 2: Worldviews in Social Research
Chapter 3: Ethical Issues in Social Research
Chapter 4: From Research Idea to Research Question
Part II: Planning and Design
Chapter 5: Reading and Reviewing the Literature
Chapter 6: Planning Social Research: Steps in the Research Process
Chapter 7: Designing Social Research
Chapter 8: Deciding on Your Methods
Part III: Working with Data
Chapter 9: Collecting Quantitative and Qualitative Data
Chapter 10: Analyzing Quantitative and Qualitative Data
Chapter 11: E-Research: Doing Social Research Online
Chapter 12: Triangulation and Mixed Methods
Part IV: Reflection and Writing
Chapter 13: What is Good Research? Evaluating Your Research Project
Chapter 14: Writing Research and Using Results
Name Index
Subject Index

Uwe Flick

Uwe Flick is Senior Professor of Qualitative Research in Social Science and Education at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. He is a trained psychologist and sociologist and received his PhD from the Freie Universität Berlin in 1988 and his Habilitation from the Technical University Berlin in 1994. He has been Professor of Qualitative Research at Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany and at the University of Vienna, Austria. Previously, he was Adjunct Professor at the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, Canada; a Lecturer in research methodology at the Freie Universität Berlin; a Reader and... More About Author

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ISBN: 9789386062901