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Handbook of Interview Research

Handbook of Interview Research
Context and Method

First Edition

1 000 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Handbook of Interview Research is the most ambitious attempt yet at examining the place of the interview in contemporary society. Interviewing is the predominant mode of research in the social sciences. It's also the stock-in-trade of information seekers in organizations and institutions of all kinds, as well as in the mass media. Across the board, interviews provide today's leading window on the world of experience.

The Handbook offers a comprehensive examination of the interview at the cutting edge of information technology. Drawing upon leading experts from a wide range of professional disciplines, this book addresses conceptual and technical challenges that confront both academic researchers and interviewers with more applied goals. From interview theory to the nuts-and-bolts of the interview process, the coverage is impressively broad and authoritative.

The Handbook of Interview Research is both encyclopedic and thematic. As an encyclopedia, it provides extensive discussions of the methodological issues now surrounding interview practice, offering a multi-faceted assessment of what has become the method of choice for obtaining personal information in today's society. But the Handbook also is a story, which spins a particular tale of interviewing, one that moves from the commonly recognized individual interview to what is called `the interview society'. The gist of the presentation is that we can no longer regard the interview as simply an instrument for gathering data, but must now also view it an integral part of society.

Jaber F Gubrium and James A Goldstein
From the Individual Interview to the Interview Society
Jennifer Platt
The History of the Interview
Royce A Singleton and Bruce C Straits
Survey Interviewing
Carol A B Warren
Qualitative Interviewing
John M Johnson
In-Depth Interviewing
Robert Atkinson
The Life Story Interview
David L Morgan
Focus Group Interviewing
Andrea Fontana
Postmodern Trends in Interviewing
Donna Eder and Laura Fingerson
Interviewing Children and Adolescents
Michael L Schwalbe and Michelle Wolkomir
Interviewing Men
Shulamit Reinharz and Susan E Chase
Interviewing Women
Travis Kong, Dan Mahoney, and Ken Plummer
Queering the Interview
G. Clare Wenger
Interviewing Older People
Christopher Dunbar Jr, Dalia Rodriguez and Laurence Parker
Race, Subjectivity, and the Interview Process
Teresa Odendahl and Aileen M. Shaw
Interviewing Elites
Janice M Morse
Interviewing the Ill
Anne Ryen
Cross-Cultural Interviewing
Kathy Zoppi and Ronald M. Epstein
Interviewing in Medical Settings
Gale Miller, Steve de Shazer, and Peter de Jong
Therapy Interviewing
David L Altheide
Journalistic Interviewing
Ian K. Mckenzie
Forensic Investigative Interviewing
William G Tierney and Patrick Dilley
Interviewing in Education
Gary P Latham and Zeeva Millman
Context and the Employment Interview
Jeffery C Johnson and Susan C Weller
Elicitation Techniques for Interviewing
Patricia A Adler and Peter Adler
The Reluctant Respondent
Roger W Shuy
In Person versus Telephone Interviewing
Mick P. Couper and Sue Ellen Hansen
Computer-Assisted Interviewing
Nora Cate Shaeffer and Douglas Maynard
Standardization and Interaction in the Survey Interview
Chris Mann and Fiona Stewart
Internet Interviewing
Blake D Poland
Transcription Quality
Clive F Seale
Computer-Assisted Analysis of Qualitative Interview Data
Kathy Charmaz
Qualitative Interviewing and Grounded Theory Analysis
Catherine Kohler Riessman
Analysis of Personal Narratives
Richard Candida Smith
Analytic Strategies for Oral History Interviews
Barbara Czarniawska
Narrative, Interviews and Organizations
Marjorie L DeVault and Liza McCoy
Institutional Ethnography: Using Interviews to Investigate Ruling Relations
Carolyn D Baker
Ethnomethodological Analyses of Interviews
Paul Atkinson and Amanda Coffey
Revisiting the Relationship Between Participant Observation and Interviewing
Kirin Narayan and Kenneth M George
Personal and Folk Narrative as Cultural Representation
Norman K Denzin
The Cinematic Society and the Reflexive Interview
Carolyn Ellis and Leigh Berger
Their Story/My Story/Our Story: Including the Researchers Experience in Interview Research
Laurel Richardson
Poetic Representation of Interviews
Paul C Rosenblatt
Interviewing at the Border of Fact and Fiction
Charles L Briggs
Interviewing, Power//Knowledge and Social Inequality
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
About the Contributors

"A shrewd and sensitive overview . . . The book is a really useful and innovative approach to the quite large issue of what interviewing is and where it can be used as well as the cautions that need to be considered when interviewing in various settings. The selections offer a shrewd and sensitive overview to the problem of placing the interviewer in the setting and allowing for the interaction between the informant and the interviewer as part of the analysis. I think the book would be EXCELLENT for graduate classes." 

Arlene Kaplan Daniels
Sociology emeritus, Northwestern University

"A sourcebook that any researcher should have in her/his reference library. The chapters cover virtually every conceivable interviewing situation as well as discuss larger ‘meta-issues’ that face the survey researcher. The volume also tells a story: The editors have created a volume that tries to link each chapter by threading a theme through each chapter. That theme is the argument that interview situations are social situations and should be viewed as such. This is an important way to contextualize what would otherwise be merely guidelines for technique and methodological points." 

Jeffrey Chin
Professor and Chair of Sociology, LeMoyne College

"The editors’ vision and effort makes HANDBOOK OF INTERVIEW RESEARCH: CONTEXT AND METHOD a volume of exceptional breadth and depth. To the editors’ credit, the volume addresses the interview as both a tool and topic of social analysis." 

Mel Pollner
Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles`


The Handbook is a stunning accomplishment. Congratulations to Gubrium and Holstein, to their contributors, and to the visionaries at Sage! With this work you have totally transformed the field of qualitative inquiry.

Norman K. Denzin
University of Illionois Urbana-Champaign

". . .serving students who are preparing for a degree or training in a field in which interviewing is an important skill, this is an instrumental addition." 

L. Wolfer
University of Scranton

"The Handbook of Interview Research offers a comprehensive examination of the interview at the cutting edge of information technology in the context of a challenging postmodern environment. Encyclopedic in its breadth, the book provides extensive discussions of the conceptual and methodological issues surrounding interview practice"

Family Therapy

Jaber F. Gubrium

Jaber F. Gubrium is professor and chair of sociology at the University of Missouri. He has an extensive record of research on the social organization of care in human service institutions. His publications include numerous books and articles on aging, family, the life course, medicalization, and representational practice in therapeutic context. More About Author

James A. Holstein

James A. Holstein is professor of sociology in the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Marquette University. His research and writing projects have addressed social problems, deviance and social control, mental health and illness, family, and the self, all approached from an ethnomethodologically- informed, constructionist perspective. More About Author

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