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Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard

Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard
Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying

Second Edition

312 pages | Corwin

The #1 cyberbullying prevention book just got better!

Cyberbullying occurs when three components intersect: teens, technology, and trouble. This perfect storm of elements manifests as harassment, humiliation, and hate that can follow a child everywhere. Drawing on the authors’ own extensive research, this groundbreaking eye-opening resource incorporates the personal voices of youth affected by or involved in cyberbullying, while helping readers understand the causes and consequences of online aggression.

Since 2007, school leaders, teachers, and parents have relied on the bestselling and award-winning first edition of Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard for practical strategies to address cyberbullying. Now in its second edition, this essential guide is completely updated with new research and evolving best practices for prevention and response, including:

  • Summaries of recent legal rulings related to teens and technology, and their implications
  • Discussion of the responsibilities of school personnel, and how that translates to policy and programming
  • Guidance on how educators, parents, students, and law enforcement can work individually and collectively to prevent and respond to cyberbullying
  • Useful “breakout boxes” highlighting strategies you can implement
  • Practical resources, including an assessment instrument, scenarios, and staff development questions

Written in an accessible and informal tone by leading experts in the field, this must-have book provides the tools to prevent and respond to cyberbullying in your school community.

“This is an excellent resource that clears up much of the confusion and sometimes hysteria generated in the media on cyberbullying.  It provides prudent and do-able strategies from crafting policies, to investigating and responding to incidents. Most importantly, it provides the right mindset and philosophy for helping schools prevent the problem in the first place and for empowering all members of the school community to work together. Policymakers, administrators, teachers, parents, and students would all benefit from the knowledge contained in this book.”
- Jim Dillon, Author of No Place for Bullying (Corwin, 2012) and Director of the Center for Leadership and Bullying Prevention, Measurement Incorporated

“In a society that is grappling with the ramifications of the rapid pace of technological advancement, cyberbullying has emerged as a serious issue in education.  This book provides real-life scenarios, timely data, and best practices to help school leaders protect the children and adolescents in their schools.  All educators will find these resources useful in detecting and preventing cyberbullying and ensuring the safety of students.”
-Gail Connelly, Executive Director,
 National Association of Elementary School Principals


About the Authors
Chapter 1. Bullying: Past, Present, and Future--The New Adolescent Aggression
Amanda's Story

Traditional (Schoolyard) Bullying

What Exactly Is Cyberbullying?


Questions for Reflection


Chapter 2. Teens Online Today: Where and Why
Our Smartphone Society

Technology Becomes More Social

Where Are Teens Online Today?

It's Not All Bad


Questions for Reflection


Chapter 3. The Nature and Forms of Cyberbullying
The Nature of Cyberbullying

Forms of Cyberbullying


Questions for Reflection


Chapter 4. What Do We Know About Cyberbullying?
Our Cyberbullying Research

Prevalence of Cyberbullying

Gender Differences in Cyberbullying

Racial Differences in Cyberbullying

Age Differences in Cyberbullying

Victim/Offender Relationship in Cyberbullying

The Link Between Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying

Responses of Cyberbullying Victims

Emotional and Behavioral Consequences and Correlates of Cyberbullying


Why Do Youth Engage in Cyberbullying?


Questions for Reflection


Chapter 5. Legal Issues: Protecting Your Students, Your School, and Yourself
Important Judicial Rulings and Legislation Applicable to Schools

Electronic Harassment and Schools

So...When Can Educators Intervene?

State Bullying Laws

School District Policy


Questions for Reflection


Chapter 6. Preventing Cyberbullying
The Educator's Role in Preventing Cyberbullying

The Parent's Role in Preventing Cyberbullying

The Student's Role in Preventing Cyberbullying

Warning Signs: What to Look For


Questions for Reflection


Chapter 7. Responding to Cyberbullying
Just Turn It Off!

School's Response to Cyberbullying

Recommendations for Parents

Empowering Teens to Tackle Cyberbullying

Civil Remedies

Recommendations for Working With Law Enforcement


Questions for Reflection


Concluding Thoughts
Resource A. Cyberbullying Scenarios for Discussion

Resource B. Technology Use Contract

Resource C. Cyberbullying and Online Aggression Survey Instrument (2014 version)

Resource D. Cyberbullying Incident Tracking Form

Resource E. Cyberbullying Report Card for Schools

Resource F. Cyberbullying Trustee Designation

Resource G. Supplemental Staff Development Questions


“This is an excellent resource that clears up much of the confusion and sometimes hysteria generated in the media on cyberbullying.  It provides prudent and do-able strategies from crafting policies, to investigating and responding to incidents. Most importantly, it provides the right mindset and philosophy for helping schools prevent the problem in the first place and for empowering all members of the school community to work together.   Policymakers, administrators, teachers, parents, and students would all benefit from the knowledge contained in this book.”

Jim Dillon, Author of No Place for Bullying
Director of the Center for Leadership and Bullying Prevention,Measurement Incorporated

“In a society that is grappling with the ramifications of the rapid pace of technological advancement, cyberbullying has emerged as a serious issue in education.  This book provides real-life scenarios, timely data, and best practices to help school leaders protect the children and adolescents in their schools.  All educators will find these resources useful in detecting and preventing cyberbullying and ensuring the safety of students.”

Gail Connelly, Executive Director
National Association of Elementary School Principals

"Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin seemlessly weave the latest research with riveting examples from the frontlines of cyberbullying. This is the definitive work on cyberbullying, rich with practical tools for teachers, school personnel, parents, and students to prevent and respond to cyberbullying."

Suzanne W. Peck, President/Author
Peck Consultants, Santa Barbara, CA

"The authors of have written the manual on how to recognize, prevent, and respond to cyberbullying. I recommend that every educator and parent take the time to read and understand the important issue of cyberbullying.  This book offers the answers educators and parents have been looking for when it comes to cyberbullying!"

Jolene Dockstader, 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Jerome Middle School, Jerome, ID

"The original text has become the seminal and authoritative text on the topic of cyber-bullying.  I am confident that the second edition will continue to be an essential resource for school districts, administrators, educators, parents, and policymakers."

Jude A. Huntz, Chancellor
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Kansas City, MO

"Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard is one of the most honest books I have read about the realities of childhood bullying and cyberbullying.  I am recommending it to all my colleagues at my school for a book study.  It should be required reading for anyone involved in educating children."

Donna Eurich, Middle School Teacher
St. Clare Catholic School, North Palm Beach, FL

"Drs. Hinduja and Patchin answer questions about cyberbullying that we all have. As an educator and a parent, I appreciate the candor and informative nature of their book. I feel my home and school benefit from the topics we can now discuss to make our battle better prepared."

Frank Rudnesky, Principal
Belhaven Middle School, Linwood, NJ
Key features

This book includes:

  • Strategies for identifying and addressing cyberbullying, based on 11 years of research with data collected from thousands of students.
  • Thorough analysis of new technologies and how they can be misused
  • Strategies for working with parents and law enforcement in identifying, preventing and responding to cyberbullying.
  • Examples, pictures, charts, and tables to help illustrate the points made in the text.
  • A Resources section providing quick references and key tools, including a glossary of chat abbreviations, reproducibles, and scenarios to be used for discussion.

Chapter 1 – Cyberbullying: The New Adolescent Aggression

·         Update Box 1.3 (p. 6) with more recent examples

·         Update teen technology data (p. 7-10) with our info along with new Pew

·         Thin out citations

·         Update some of the traditional bullying research with more recent studies


Chapter 2 – Cyberbullying Basics

·         Update tools and technology of the cyberbully

·         Update mediums though which cyberbullying often occurs

·         Remove Figure 2.1

·         Consider removing or at least thinning down chat rooms

·         Update common text acronyms

·         New examples, figures

·         Remove Figure 2.5

·         Update blogging environments

·         Update cell phones with more emphasis on texting

·         Catfishing


Chapter 3 – What Do We Know About Cyberbullying

·         Completely update research throughout, both what we have done and what others have done

·         Update Charts 3.2 and 3.3

·         All charts will be updated with our most recent data

·         Update self-esteem data with our newer paper

·         Update suicide section with our newer paper – consider removing “cyberbullicide”

·         Update photos of more recent victims of suicide?

·         Include info from social motivators for cyberbullying (Journal of Youth and Adolescence paper)


Chapter 4 – Social Networking and Cyberbullying

·         This chapter is going to be completely redone to focus more on Facebook and other broad social networking issues

·         Most of the MySpace info will be removed

·         Updated data from Pew

·         Instagram, Twitter

·         Remove Box 4.1

·         Facebook: The Current Most Popular Social Networking Web Site

·         Remove Charts 4.1, 4.2

·         Remove or update all Figures

·         Updated examples, from current popular sites

·         Consider removing our MySpace research, or at least thinning it out a lot


Chapter 5 – Legal Issues

·         Update with new cases

o   Zeno v. Pine Plains

o   Kowlaski

o   Update Layshock

o   Other new cases

·         Remove Box 5.5

·         Update Table 5.1 (p. 126)

·         States that have statutes that include off campus language


Chapter 6 – Preventing Cyberbullying

·         Update box 6.4 - BYOD

·         Remove reference to i-SAFE (remove elsewhere in the book as well)

·         Remove Ophelia project since it is now defunct

·         Update school climate section and refer to School Climate 2.0

·         Update CIPA discussion

·         Update Figure 6.1 with Mark

·         Fix Boxes 6.10 and 6.11 so that the capitalization is the same


Chapter 7 – Responding to Cyberbullying

·         Add how to respond to fake social media profile

·         Remove MySpace terms of service example and provide Facebook or other recent example

·         Remove Figure 7.2

·         Talk about Facebook’s social reporting


Resources for Cyberbullying Prevention and Response

·         Glossary needs to be updated (Facebook is second most popular social networking site…)

·         All will be updated as necessary with new sites, terminology, etc.

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1

Sameer Hinduja

Sameer Hinduja is a professor of criminology and criminal justice at Florida Atlantic University. He is recognized internationally for his groundbreaking work about cyberbullying and safe social media use among youth. His research seeks to illuminate how best to promote civility, deter harmful behavior, and proactively reduce victimization online. More About Author

Justin W. Patchin

Justin W. Patchin is a professor of criminal justice at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire. For two decades he has been exploring the intersection of teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying and sexting. He travels the world helping communities make online spaces safer and kinder. More About Author