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Applied Marketing Analytics Using Python

Applied Marketing Analytics Using Python

Additional resources:

March 2025 | 284 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
It is vital for marketers today to be comfortable in their use of data and quantitative approaches and have a thorough grounding in understanding and using marketing analytics in order to gain insights, support strategic decision-making, solve marketing problems, maximise value and achieve success.

Taking a very hands-on approach with the use of real-world datasets, case studies and Python, this book supports students and practitioners to explore a range of marketing phenomena using various applied analytics tools, with a balanced mix of technical coverage alongside marketing theory and frameworks. 

Supporting online resources include datasets and software codes and solutions as well as PowerPoint slides, a teaching guide and a testbank. This book is essential reading for advanced level marketing students and practitioners who want to become cutting-edge marketers.

Dr Gokhan Yildirim is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Imperial College Business School, London.

Dr Raoul V. Kübler is an Associate Professor of Marketing at ESSEC Business School, Paris.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Customer Segmentation
Chapter 3: Marketing Mix Modelling
Chapter 4: Attribution Modelling
Chapter 5: User-Generated Data Analytics
Chapter 6: Customer Mindset Metrics
Chapter 7: Text Mining
Chapter 8: Churn Prediction and Marketing Classification Models with Supervised Learning
Chapter 9: Demand Forecasting
Chapter 10: Image Analytics
Chapter 11: Data Project Management and General Recommendations


Click for Online Resources
PowerPoints that can be downloaded and adapted to suit individual teaching needs
A Teaching Guide providing practical guidance and support and additional materials for lecturers using this textbook in their teaching
A Testbank that can be used for both formative and summative student assessments
Datasets, software code, and solutions (Jupyter Notebooks, HTML files) that can be downloaded and used alongside exercises in the textbook

Gokhan Yildirim

Dr. Gokhan Yildirim is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Imperial College Business School where he teaches on the full-time MBA, executive MBA and MSc Business Analytics programs. Gokhan’s research is at the intersection of marketing effectiveness, metrics and models. He quantifies how marketing actions impact offline and online consumer behaviour, and how changes in consumer attitudes in turn drive company performance. Specifically, his research concerns short vs. long-term effectiveness of digital and non-digital marketing activities, cross-channel marketing resource allocation, and consumer attitudinal metrics for guiding marketing... More About Author

Raoul V. Kübler

Dr. Raoul Kübler is an Associate Professor of Marketing at ESSEC Business School in Cergy/Paris where he teaches on the FT Top10 ranked Master in Management program of ESSEC’s grande ecole, as well as on the school’s Global MBA and the executive MBA. Before joining ESSEC he was from 2018 until 2022 a Junior Professor at the University of Münster, and worked from 2012 until 2018 as an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Özyegin University in Istanbul, Turkey. In his research, he examines how marketers can leverage user generated content and social media data in combination with machine learning and artificial intelligence to derive better... More About Author

For instructors