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Writing Strategies

Writing Strategies
Reaching Diverse Audiences

Volume: 21
Other Titles in:
Qualitative Research

72 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Richardson uses her own experience to explore strategies for writing up the same research in different ways. By showing the reader the stylistic and intellectual imperatives and conventions of different writing media she prepares the writer for approaching and successfully addressing diverse audiences. This book will be useful to all social scientists trying to present their material in different ways.
Contemporary Writing Issues
Science Writing
Literary Devices in Social Science Writing
Authority and Authorship
Discovering a Collective Story
Writing a Trade Book
Writing Academic Papers
Writing for Mass Circulation

This a really interesting and accessible books dealing with some radical ideas. I think students interested in researching reading strategies as part of their dissertation would find plenty to interest and stimulate them here.

Ms Amanda French
Dept of Education Studies, Wolverhampton University
August 19, 2011

This a really interesdting and accessible books dealing with some radical ideas. I think students interested in researching reading would find plenty to interest and stimulate them here.

Ms Amanda French
Dept of Education Studies, Wolverhampton University
August 19, 2011

Laurel Richardson

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