Using Technology to Increase Student Learning
- Linda E. Reksten - Point Loma Nazarene University, USA
Other Titles in:
Leadership in Educational Technology | Principalship | Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
Leadership in Educational Technology | Principalship | Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
176 pages | Corwin
This is a practical guide to establishing technology in the primary school curriculum.
Concrete tools are provided, such as a sample technology plan, related Web sites, and a glosary of technical terms.
The Challenge of Building a Quality Technology Program
Creating a School Context for Technology Change
Focusing the Curriculum with Concept-Based Instruction
The Essential Components of a Quality Technology Plan
Using Grade-Level Technology Skills to Enhance the Curriculum
Acquiring Tools
Using the Internet to Enhance Curriculum and Instruction
Training School Staff through Collaborative Models
Management of the Technology Environment
Very introductory technology. More accurate for K-6.
Kinesiology, California Polytechnic State University
August 2, 2011