Rohit Deshpandé
From Market Research Use to Market Knowledge Management
George S Day
Learning about Markets
Gerald Zaltman and Rohit Deshpandé
The Use of Market Research
An Exploratory Study of Manager and Researcher Perspectives
Gerald Zaltman
The Use of Developmental and Evaluative Market Research
Rashi Glazer
Marketing and the Changing Information Environment
Implications for Strategy, Structure and the Marketing Mix
Ed F McQuarrie and Shelby H McIntyre
Implementing the Marketing Concept through a Program of Customer Visits
David K Goldstein
Product Managers' Use of Scanner Data
A Story of Organizational Learning
Christine Moorman, Rohit Deshpandé and Gerald Zaltman
Relationships between Providers and Users of Market Research
The Role of Personal Trust
Anil Menon and James Wilcox
A Scale to Measure Use of Market Research
Elliot Maltz and Ajay Kohli
Market Intelligence Dissemination across Functional Boundaries
Randolph Bucklin and Sunil Gupta
Commercial Adoption of Advances in the Analysis of Scanner Data
Randolph Bucklin, Donald Lehmann and John D C Little
From Decision Support to Decision Automation