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Understanding Spatial Media

Understanding Spatial Media

Edited by:

February 2017 | 264 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Over the past decade, a new set of interactive, open, participatory, and networked spatial media have become widespread. These include mapping platforms, virtual globes, user-generated spatial databases, geodesign and architectural and planning tools, urban dashboards and citizen reporting geosystems, augmented reality media, and locative media. Collectively, these produce and mediate spatial big data and are reshaping spatial knowledge, spatial behavior, and spatial politics.

Understanding Spatial Media brings together leading scholars from around the globe to examine these new spatial media, their attendant technologies, spatial data, and their social, economic, and political effects.

The 22 chapters are divided into the following sections:
  • Spatial media technologies
  • Spatial data and spatial media
  • The consequences of spatial media
Understanding Spatial Media is the perfect introduction to this fast emerging phenomena for students and practitioners of geography, urban studies, data science, and media and communications.
Rob Kitchin, Tracey P. Lauriault and Matthew W. Wilson
Understanding spatial media
Part 1: Spatial media technologies
Britta Ricker
Jeremy Crampton
Digital Mapping
Mark Graham
Digitally augmented geographies
Jim Thatcher
Locative and sousveillant media
Jessa Lingel
Social Media
Shannon Mattern
Urban dashboards
Stephen Ervin
Part 2: Spatial data and spatial media
Tracey P. Lauriault
Open spatial data
Dan Sui
Geospatial big data
Rob Kitchin, Gavin McArdle & Tracey P. Lauriault
Indicators, benchmarks and urban informatics
Muki Haklay
Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Science
Peter Pulsifer and Glenn Brauen
Geo-Semantic Web
Harvey Miller
Spatial data analytics
Teresa Scassa
Legal rights and spatial media
Part 3: The consequences of spatial media
Leighton Evans and Sung-Yueh Perng
Spatial knowledge and behaviour
Rob Kitchin
Leveraging finance and producing capital
Tracey P. Lauriault and Mary Francoli
Openness, transparency, participation
Mike Batty
Producing smart cities
Francisco Klauser and Sarah Widmer
Surveillance and control
David Murakami Wood
Spatial profiling, sorting and prediction
Agnieszka Leszczynski

Understanding Spatial Media is an insightful collection of essays describing different contemporary approaches to spatial media. The specific selection of authors and themes makes this book an important manual to understand spatial media nowadays, going beyond the simple analysis of practices, and trying to reflect on aims and consequences. The same concept of space itself is questioned through the lens of data and new technologies. Understanding Spatial Media is an important book for architecture students and young practitioners who want to further investigate the effect and impact of innovative IT tools and techniques not only on our practice, but also and more generally on society.

Dr Carla Molinari
Architecture, Landscape & Design, Leeds Beckett University
May 6, 2020

Understanding Spatial Media is a great collection of chapters from leading thinkers in the area of spatial media and geospatial studies. The text addresses relevant contemporary issues through chapters that are well-written and relatively short, making the text suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students.

John Lowry
School of People, Enviro & Planning, Massey University Manawatu - Turitea
April 15, 2018

Rob Kitchin

Rob Kitchin is a Professor in Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute and Department of Geography. He was a European Research Council Advanced Investigator on the Programmable City project (2013-2018) and a principal investigator on the Building City Dashboards project (2016-2020) and for the Digital Repository of Ireland (2009-2017). He is the (co)author or (co)editor of 31 other academic books, and (co)author of over 200 articles and book chapters. He has been an editor of Dialogues in Human Geography, Progress in Human Geography and Social and Cultural Geography, and was the co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Encyclopedia of... More About Author

Tracey P. Lauriault

Tracey P. Lauriault is a Programmable City project postdoctoral researcher focussing on how digital data are generated and processed about cities and their citizens. She is actively engaged in research on open data, big data, indicators, and spatial data infrastructures and she has just become a Silicon Republic top 100 women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. She is a member of the international Research Data Alliance Legal (RDA) Interoperability Working Group, the Canadian Roundtable on Geomatics Legal and Policy Interest Group, and the advisory board of the Dublin City Council Homelessness Data Task Force. At the Geomatics... More About Author

Matthew W. Wilson

Matthew W. Wilson is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky and a visiting scholar at the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University. He co-founded and co-directs the New Mappings Collaboratory which studies and facilitates new engagements with geographic representation. His research in critical GIS draws upon STS and urban political geography to understand the development and proliferation of location-based technologies, with particular attention to the consumer electronic sector. He has previously taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and his current research project... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781473949683
ISBN: 9781473949676

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