Understanding Social Theory
- Derek Layder - University of Leicester, UK
Social Theory
`Derek Layder's Understanding Social Theory, provides one of the most comprehensive, incisive and readable treatments of the macro-micro problem now available' - Professor Paul Colomy, University of Denver
This is a revised, updated and enlarged version of the accessible, authoritative first edition - a jargon-free textbook that provides an introduction to the core issues in social theory. It includes:
} chapter previews, summaries and a glossary of key terms;
} a 'problem focus' that encourages students to acquire skills of argument and discussion;
} new material on recent developments in social theory;
} an entirely new concluding chapter which relates theory to social domains;
} relevant examples from everyday life to illustrate key theoretical issues.
The book will be essential reading for students in Sociology, Social Psychology, Social Theory, Political Theory and Organization Studies.
A good book to start
from, it gives a good insight to the ideas and theories.
An extremely useful text for supporting developing thinking surrounding social theory. Very useful for tutors and students alike in both undergraduate and post-graduate levels of study.
This book makes complex sociological theories highly accessible to the reader and is highly recommended for anyone undertaking a social research
I am not teaching this course this semester.
An excellent overview of the copious body of theory. Very useful for tutors and students alike in both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.
An accessible introduction to Social Theory and a popular book with both first and second year undergraduates.
this text is a useful resource for developing student thinking.