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Understanding Performance Appraisal

Understanding Performance Appraisal
Social, Organizational, and Goal-Based Perspectives

502 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
A social-psychological model of organizational appraisal processes which emphasizes the goals pursued by raters, ratees and other users of performance appraisal is described in this book. The authors suggest ways in which this goal-oriented perspective might be applied in developing, implementing and evaluating performance appraisal systems.

The model emphasizes the context in which appraisal occurs and takes as a starting point the assumption that many of the apparent shortcomings of performance are, in fact, sensible adaptations to the various requirements, pressures and demands of that context.

Environmental Influences
Organizational Influences
Purposes of Performance Appraisals
Obtaining Information about Performance
Standards for Judging Performance
Processes in Evaluative Judgment
Rater Goals
Rater Motivation
Error and Accuracy Measures
Criteria That Reflect the Uses of Ratings
Does Performance Appraisal Help or Hurt the Organization?
Performance Appraisal and the Changing Context of Work and Organizations
Designing, Implementing and Evaluating a Goal-Oriented Appraisal System
Directions for Research and Practice

Kevin R. Murphy

   Kevin Murphy holds the Kemmy Chair of Work and Employment Studies, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland.  He earned his PhD in Psychology from Penn State in 1979, has served on the faculties of Rice University, New York University, Penn State and Colorado State University. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Society, and the recipient of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s 2004 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award.   He has served as President of the... More About Author

Jeanette N. Cleveland

Jeanette N. Cleveland is a Professor of Industrial & Organizational Psychology at Colorado State University. She earned her B.S. from Occidental College and M.S. and Ph.D from the Pennsylvania State University. She has held faculty positions at Baruch College, The Pennsylvania State University and has served as an external examiner for University of Limerick, Ireland.  She has served elected Program Chair for the Human Resources and Gender & Diversity in Organizations Divisions, Division Chair for HR and GDO, and prior to this to the Executive committees for these Divisions of the Academy of Management. In addition, she... More About Author