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Understanding and Using Challenging  Educational Theories

Understanding and Using Challenging Educational Theories

Second Edition

October 2020 | 352 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Introducing 18 key educational thinkers who have offered challenging perspectives on education, this new edition comes with:

 ·         3 new chapters on Ivan Illich, Loris Malaguzzi and Michael Apple

·         A glossary of key words related to each theorist’s work

·         A context-setting overview of key themes

·         Practical examples that shows how theories can be applied in practice

 The perfect companion to Aubrey & Riley, Understanding and Using Educational Theories 2e (9781526436610)

Chapter 1: Abraham Maslow: The father of American humanism
Chapter 2: Carl Rogers: Learner-centred teaching and the fully functioning person
Chapter 3: A.S. Neill: Freedom to learn
Chapter 4: John Goodlad: The renewal of teaching and learning, schools and teacher education
Chapter 5: Basil Bernstein: Language codes, social class, pedagogy and the curriculum
Chapter 6: Ivan Illich: Deschooling society: challenging the concept of school
Chapter 7: Pierre Bourdieu: Theory of society
Chapter 8: Michel Foucault: Power, surveillance, discipline and control in education
Chapter 9: Loris Malaguzzi: The Reggio Emilia experience
Chapter 10: Nel Noddings: Caring in education
Chapter 11: Lawrence Stenhouse: Linking the curriculum with theory, research and practice
Chapter 12: Michael Apple: Ideology, knowledge, power, and the curriculum
Chapter 13: Henry Giroux: Critical pedagogy
Chapter 14: Howard Gardner: Multiple intelligences and education
Chapter 15: John Holt: Unschooling or home schooling
Chapter 16: bell hooks: Education as the practice of freedom
Chapter 17: Jack Mezirow: Transformative learning
Chapter 18: Linda Darling-Hammond: Equity in education – policy, teachers and teaching

The theorists included in this book are often classed as “challenging “ because sometimes their work is difficult to place into practice. However, this book really helps to see where these theories can support understanding of teaching theory.

Mrs Emma Harvey
Education, Suffolk New College
January 6, 2023

This is an excellent accompaniment to their previous book on 'Understanding and Using Educational Theories'. It's perfect to help our UG and PG students understand the various educational theories relevant to their own understanding of how pupils learn.

Mrs Jo Skelton
Department of Education, Oxford Brookes University
February 16, 2021

Karl Aubrey

Karl Aubrey is a Visiting Tutor on the Professional Studies in Education programmes at Bishop Grosseteste University. Prior to this Karl was the Programme Leader for a range of initial teacher education and professional development programmes at a large city further education college. Between 2003 and 2005 he was seconded to the DfES Standards Unit as a learning and teaching practitioner in the East Midlands. Karl has contributed to the Oxford Dictionary of Education. His doctoral thesis explored the reforms in further education teacher education from 2000 to 2010, from the viewpoint of teacher educators. Karl’s research interests include... More About Author

Alison Riley

Alison Riley is the Programme Leader for the BA(Hons) Early Childhood Studies degree at Bishop Grosseteste University, she has also worked on a number of educational-related programmes at the university including initial teaching training courses. Prior to joining Bishop Grosseteste University Alison spent sixteen years working in primary education, as a classroom teacher, deputy head teacher and finally head teacher of a large junior school. Alison has been involved in a number of collaborative projects and has recently been involved in an EU-funded project researching ‘Creativity in Early Science and Mathematics Education’. Alison has... More About Author

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