The Tourist Gaze 3.0
- John Urry - Lancaster University, UK
- Jonas Larsen - University of Roskilde, Denmark
The tourist gaze remains an agenda setting theory, incorporating new principles and research. Packed full of fascinating insights this new edition is fresh and contemporary, intelligently broadening its theoretical and geographical scope and providing a nuanced account which responds to various critiques.
The book has been significantly revised to include up-to-date empirical data, many new case studies and fresh concepts. Three new chapters have been added which explore:
• photography and digitization
• embodied performances
• risks and alternative futures
Innovative and informative, this book is essential reading for all involved in contemporary tourism, leisure, cultural policy, design, economic regeneration, heritage and the arts.
Urry's original 1990 text was ground breaking for its time. This new 3.0 edition continues to plot the cultural changes brought about by the continuing extension of liquid modernity over the globe. The Tourist Gaze 3.0 is an excellent text for undergraduates. The chapters are perfect starting points from which to initiate debates on emergent geographies, cultural performances and new outlooks in our era of mass mobilities and spectacularized markets.
An excellent update to a seminal text. The chapter on Tourism Risks and Futures is particularly salient (for my purposes). I always recommend it to my final year UG and PG(T) students studying social science perspectives on tourism.
An easy to follow text with interesting perspectives and approaches to key issues within and affecting the industry. Students will particularly find chapters 1-3, 5 and 9 useful for their studies within a number of modules on their programme.
I find this updated landmark contribution to the study of tourism sociology once again very useful as a basis of rich discussions at a Master's degree class in Tourist Behaviour.
I have asked the librarian to buy some copies, since it will be suggested for students in Tourism and Constructed Identities, and also for the Literature Exam in Tourism Geography.
This is a classical book, and the rivisitation of the "gazing" concept to embed staging and performing, plus the tourist photography and visual analysis, is very relevant to explain the changing tourisms and behaviours. More and more Master theses are addressing issues through these concepts. These are also available through various journal articles, and that is why it is sufficient to have a librarian purchase.
Great update to previous editions. recommended as essential reading and also for student led research projects.
New and essential version of a key book for mobility studies.
together with my colleague we have decided to make the destination text supplementary reading for the new courses starting in year 3 and 4. The text is comprhensive and provides insight is various aspects of DM that is not or hardly covered by other books on the topic
The Tourist Gaze 3.0 contains significant amounts of new material compared to the previous edition of The Tourist Gaze. While still providing authoritative overviews of social and cultural theories of tourism, the history and economics of tourism, and, of course, the practices and materialities associated with the tourist gaze, each of the chapters has been updated. There are also new chapters on photography, performance, and 'risks and futures' that keep the argument bang up to date.
A true classic for everyone who is interested in the field of visual impact on society. The latest edition is even better, following new media and general Zeitgist flows.