The Therapist's Toolbox
26 Tools and an Assortment of Implements for the Busy Therapist
- Susan E. Carrell - Carrell Counseling
`The Therapist's Toolbox is sure to be welcomed by any busy therapist or counsellor who chances upon it. It provides simple, practical, and really effective techniques for improving connectivity between practitioners and their clients' - Nurturing Potential
"Susan Carrell's toolbox of tried and tested techniques is a refreshing read from cover to cover. Designed to enable the stuck therapist to delve in, pick up a tool and move their client forward. At times light-hearted and humorous - her experience shines through, giving confidence to the reader so that they feel able to apply her methods.
Carrell acknowledges that the academics in therapy land prefer to keep to theoretical concepts and language - however her book is designed for those amongst us who are kept busy will clients to the point that academic reading is heavy going in our time-short lives.
Tools for adults, couples and children in therapy - all with metaphorical significance and certainly valid in today's cognitive counselling culture in assisting the visualization of issues. A must for the novice therapist and certainly a tome for the experienced practitioner who is 'stuck'. We all need a fresh idea from time to time and "the therapists toolbox" is IT! Definitely one for the briefcase rather than the bookshelf" -
`I have been a practitioner for more than twenty years, and I have developed the manual for therapists who, like me, are working with clients face-to-face on a daily basis. I wish I had found a book like this years ago. With all due respect to theory, sometimes a therapist needs a concrete way in which to use it. I have collected these tools over the years through trial and error: they work for me' - From The Introduction
The Therapist's Toolbox is a practical manual of easy-to-apply, sure-fire therapy techniques for the busy therapist or counsellor. It answers the need many therapists have when they are `stuck' for a new (to them) technique to introduce a certain psychological construct in a therapy session. Aimed at practice with adult clients, this book grows out of the author's own frustrations and experiences of attending continuing education seminars and buying professional books to find only a few practical, useful techniques that can be used immediately with clients.
Written in a friendly, jargon-free style, the author shares a collection of easy-to-implement techniques and ideas to use with clients. She also illustrates each "tool" with at least one case drawn from her own practice. The book features ideas for use with both adult individuals and couples.
The Therapists Toolbox provides a selection of strategies useful for engaging clients who are struggling to express themselves. The author has compiled this book using techniques she has picked up along the way. She explains her reasoning in the introduction, and provides practice examples to demonstrate application. I have found this book useful as a counsellor and also as a teacher of counselling, as some strategies can also be used in the classroom.
Very easy to read and even though this book is aimed at client work I found the ideas transfer nicely into experiential exercises to use with syudents in class which was a nice bonus.
This book is brilliant for any therapist on the move. I wish i had this book when i was training.
I have recommended that the University put this book on the Supplemental Reading List for students next year. Practical skills for therapeutic use are in short supply and I found this book to be a good resource of such ideas.