The Social Thought of Emile Durkheim
- Alexander Riley - Bucknell University, USA, University of California San Diego, USA, Wesleyan University, USA
Social Thinkers Series
This new volume of the SAGE Social Thinkers series provides a concise introduction to the work, life, and influences of Émile Durkheim, one of the informal “holy trinity” of sociology’s founding thinkers, along with Weber and Marx. The author shows that Durkheim’s perspective is arguably the most properly sociological of the three. He thought through the nature of society, culture, and the complex relationship of the individual to the collective in a manner more concentrated and thorough than any of his contemporaries during the period when sociology was emerging as a discipline.
An excellent overview to Durkhiem; this text is very strong at highlighting key and difficult elements of Durkheim's work and does so with clarity and ease for students.