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The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory

The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory
Paperback Edition

Edited by:

January 2010 | 656 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
'Tony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz are the perfect editors for this excellent and forward looking Handbook which is surely destined to be a classic'

- David Silverman, Professor Emeritus, Goldsmiths College

For anyone interested in grounded theory this is a must have book. No longer will students have to search the library or internet to find authoritative voices on a variety of topics. It's all right there at their fingertips

- Juliet Corbin, San José State University

Grounded Theory is by far the most widely used research method across a wide range of disciplines and subject areas, including social sciences, nursing and healthcare, medical sociology, information systems, psychology, and anthropology. This handbook gives a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of Grounded Theory, taking into account the many attempts to revise and refine Glaser and Strauss' original formulation and the debates that have followed.

Antony Bryant & Kathy Charmaz bring together leading researchers and practitioners of the method from the US, the UK, Australia and Europe to represent all the major standpoints within Grounded Theory, demonstrating the richness of the approach. The contributions cover a wide range of perspectives on the method, covering its features and ramifications, its intricacies in use, its demands on the skills and capabilities of the researcher and its position in the domain of research methods.

The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory is an indispensable reference source for academics and researchers across many disciplines who want to develop their understanding of the Grounded Theory method.

Antony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz
GT in Historical Perspective
An Epistemological Account
Eleanor Krassner Covan
Discovery of GT in Practice
Legacy of Multiple Mentors
Susan Leigh Star
Living GT
Cognitive amd Emotional Forms of Pragmatism
Barney Glaser
Doing Formal Theory
Phyllis Stern
Essential Properties for Growing GT
Margaret Kearney
Evolution of Formal GT
Jane Hood
Orthodoxy versus Power
Ian Dey
Grounding Categories
Udo Kelle
Development of Categories
Jo Reichertz
Janice Morse
Sampling in GT
Lora Lempert
Memo-Writing in GT
Judith Holton
Carolyn Wiener
Making Teams Work in Conducting GT
Sharlene Hesse-Biber
Teaching GT
Cathy Urquhart
GT as a Tool for IS Research
Adele Clarke and Carrie Friese
GT and Situational Analysis
Bob Dick
GT and Action Research
Virginia Olesen
Integrating GT and Feminist Methods
Barry Gibson
Accommodating Critical Theory
Norman Denzin
GT and the Politics of Interpretation
Denise O'Neil Green et al
GT and Diversity
Stefan Timmermans and Iddo Tavory
Katja Mruck and Guenter Mey
GT and Reflexivity
Bruno Hildenbrand
Mediating Structure and Interaction
Karen Locke
Tensions in Using GT
Joerg Struebing
GT and Pragmatism

Excellent and authoritative overview of the field. Great reference source for researchers using GT.

Professor Michael Biggs
School of Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire
October 9, 2013

This is an incredibly comprehensive book on Grounded Theory, which benefits from numerous prolific contributors. Some sections are more anecdotal, others descriptive, some focus on new theoretical insights. Not all chapters will suit every reader. However, one is inclined to think that nobody who is interested in Grounded Theory will be disappointed with this book.

Mr Matthias Hillner
School of Creative Arts , University of Hertfordshire
August 16, 2013

Excellent book that is very relevant to BSC and M level research students.

Tracy Ross
Department of Health, Social Care, Glyndwr University
March 25, 2013

An excellent resource. Everything you need to know in one book

Mrs Nadia Dossa
other, University of West London
January 15, 2013

Useful book for pondering over grounded theory. Supplemental but advised for thos who want to strenthen their knowledge of and skills in this area.

Dr Roy Gigengack
Rural Development Sociology (RDS), Wageningen University
January 3, 2013

An excellent resource for students who decide to work with any qualitative method.

Dr Sara Macdonald
General Practice & Primary Care, Glasgow University
December 11, 2012

Very interesting extensive collection of articles. Might use one or two, but for the introductory course this is too extensive.

Mrs Marieke Slootman
Department of Sociology & Anthropology, University of Amsterdam
September 6, 2012

This is an excellent text comprehensively taking the reader through the process of doing grounded theory. Superb for doctorate students and anyone contemplating using GT for their research project.

Dr Charlotte Ramage
Health , Brighton University
August 29, 2012

This book is excellent as a reference for students who wish to undertake Grounded Theory as a methodology for their research projects.

Mr Douglas Newman-Valentine
Sch of Health & Rehabilitation Science, University of Cape Town
August 22, 2012

A wide and comprehensive coverage of the most widely used approach to qualitative analysis. The book provides a good link between theory and practice whilst covering a wide variety of perspectives. This book is an important resource for those researchers who wish to use and understand the Grounded theory.

Dr Mansour Pourmehdi
The Graduate School, Bradford University
August 17, 2012

Antony Bryant

Antony Bryant is currently Professor of Informatics at Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK. He has written and taught extensively on research methods, with a particular interest in qualitative research methods, and the Grounded Theory Method in particular.  His book Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing: Pragmatism in Research Practice was recently published by Oxford University Press (2017).  He is Senior Editor of The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory (SAGE, 2007) and The Sage Handbook of Current Developments in Grounded Theory – both co-edited with Kathy Charmaz (SAGE, 2019). He has supervised over 50 doctoral... More About Author

Kathleen C. Charmaz

Kathy Charmaz was Professor Emerita of Sociology and the former director of the Faculty Writing Program at Sonoma State University. She joined the first cohort of doctoral students at the University of California, San Francisco, where she studied with Anselm Strauss. She wrote in the areas of social psychology, medical sociology, qualitative methods, and grounded theory, and over her career wrote, coauthored, or coedited 14 books, including two award-winning works: Good Days, Bad Days; The Self in Illness and Time, and Constructing Grounded Theory. She received the George Herbert Mead award for lifetime achievement from the Society... More About Author