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The Politics of the Presidency

The Politics of the Presidency

Eighth Edition (Revised Edition)

July 2013 | 576 pages | CQ Press
In the most up-to-date core text available on the presidency, Pika and Maltese once again deliver their comprehensive-and accessible-analysis of the presidency. Never losing sight of the foundations of the office, the authors maintain a balance between historical context and contemporary scholarship on the U.S. executive. A solid foundation for any presidency course, the revised eighth edition features a new chapter on the 2012 election and analysis of Obama's challenges as a second-term president in an entrenched partisan environment.
1. The Changing Presidency
2. Election Politics
3. Public Politics
4. Presidential Character and Performance
5. Legislative Politics
6. Executive Politics
7. Judicial Politics
8. The Politics of Domestic Policy
9. The Politics of Economic Policy
10. The Politics of National Security Policy
11. Obama’s Act II: Lingering Ambitions Amidst Lower Expectations

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Joseph A. Pika

Joseph A. Pika is the James R. Soles professor emeritus of political science and internationalrelations at the University of Delaware. He holds a PhD from the Universityof Wisconsin and taught previously at SUNY at Buffalo. He is coauthor with Jason D.Mycoff of Conflict & Compromise: Presidential and Congressional Leadership, 2001–2006 and coauthor with John Anthony Maltese and H. Phillips Shively of AmericanDemocracy in Context. He served for seven years on the Delaware State Board ofEducation, four years as president. More About Author

John Anthony Maltese

John Anthony Maltese is the Albert B. Saye professor of political science and associatedean of the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs and wasnamed a University professor in 2023 in recognition of significant impact on the universitybeyond normal academic responsibilities. He holds a PhD from Johns HopkinsUniversity. He is the author of The Selling of Supreme Court Nominees and Spin Control:The White House Office of Communications and the Management of Presidential News,and coauthor with Joseph A. Pika and H. Phillips Shively of American Democracy inContext. He is a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.

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ISBN: 9781452239941