Preface: A User's Guide to The Evolving Presidency
Topical Guide to the Documents
Chapter 1: James Madison’s Notes of the Federal Convention (1787)
Chapter 2: The Constitution (1787)
Chapter 3: Anti-Federalist Essays: George Mason’s Objections to This Constitution of Government and Cato’s Letter No. 4 (1787)
Chapter 4: The Federalist Papers, Nos. 69–73 (1788)
Chapter 5: George Washington’s First Inaugural Address (1789)
Chapter 6: James Madison’s Defense of the President’s Removal Power (1789)
Chapter 7: The Pacificus-Helvidius Letters (1793)
Chapter 8: George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)
Chapter 9: Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address (1801)
Chapter 10: Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Vermont Legislature (1807)
Chapter 11: The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
Chapter 12: The Tennessee General Assembly’s Protest against the Caucus System (1823)
Chapter 13: Andrew Jackson’s First Message to Congress (1829)
Chapter 14: Andrew Jackson’s Veto of the Bank Bill (1832)
Chapter 15: Abraham Lincoln’s Message to Congress in Special Session (1861)
Chapter 16: Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to Albert G. Hodges (1864)
Chapter 17: The Gettysburg Address (1863)
Chapter 18: Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address (1865)
Chapter 19: Ex parte Milligan (1866)
Chapter 20: Articles of Impeachment against Andrew Johnson (1868)
Chapter 21: The Pendleton Act (1883)
Chapter 22: Lord James Bryce, Why Great Men Are Not Chosen President (1888)
Chapter 23: Theodore Roosevelt’s and William Howard Taft’s Theories of Presidential Power (1913, 1916)
Chapter 24: Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points (1918)
Chapter 25: Myers v. United States (1926)
Chapter 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address (1933)
Chapter 27: Humphrey’s Executor v. United States (1935)
Chapter 28: United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. (1936)
Chapter 29: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Court-Packing” Address (1937)
Chapter 30: Report of the Brownlow Committee (1937)
Chapter 31: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order on Japanese American Internment (1942)
Chapter 32: The Truman Doctrine (1947)
Chapter 33: Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)
Chapter 34: Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Little Rock Executive Order (1957)
Chapter 35: John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address (1961)
Chapter 36: The Cuban Missile Crisis: John F. Kennedy’s Letter to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (1962)
Chapter 37: Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” Speech (1964)
Chapter 38: Lyndon B. Johnson’s Gulf of Tonkin Message (1964)
Chapter 39: Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Equality of Result” Speech (1965)
Chapter 40: Richard Nixon’s China Trip Announcement (1971)
Chapter 41: The McGovern–Fraser Commission Report (1971)
Chapter 42: The War Powers Resolution (1973)
Chapter 43: Proposed Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon (1974)
Chapter 44: United States v. Nixon (1974)
Chapter 45: Gerald R. Ford’s Pardon of Richard Nixon (1974)
Chapter 46: Walter F. Mondale’s Memo to Jimmy Carter on the Role of the Vice President (1976)
Chapter 47: Jimmy Carter’s “Crisis of Confidence” Speech (1979)
Chapter 48: Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address (1981)
Chapter 49: Clinton v. City of New York (1998)
Chapter 50: Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton (1998)
Chapter 51: Bush v. Gore (2000)
Chapter 52: George W. Bush’s War on Terrorism Address (2001)
Chapter 53: The Bush Doctrine (2002)
Chapter 54: George W. Bush’s Signing Statement for the Defense Supplemental Appropriations Act (2005)
Chapter 55: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006)
Chapter 56: Barack Obama’s Campaign Speech on Race in America (2008)
Chapter 57: Barack Obama’s Health Care Address (2009)
Chapter 58: National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Channing et al. (2014)
Chapter 59: Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address (2015)