The Ethical Crises of Civilization
Moral Meltdown or Advance
- Leslie Lipson - History, University of California, Berkeley
Other Titles in:
Comparative Politics
Comparative Politics
368 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
According to Lipson, we are at a critical stage in our history. It is clear that there has been a lowering of ethical standards in many sectors of our society. Both promise and peril confront humanity at this time. Along with the ability to annihilate the world, we have acquired the knowledge to improve the quality of life for more people than ever before. The author examines periods in history where similar conditions have existed, seeking to comprehend what is at stake in our present age, and calls for revolution in our ethical practices. Finally, he considers whether the current moral and ethical crisis will be resolved.
Prologue - The Paradox of Our Time
This-Worldly China, Other-Worldly India
The Split Personality of Western Civilization
The Rise and Decline of Civilizations
Creative Eras and Areas
Humanity's First Great Moral Advance
The Enlightment and the Age of Progress
The Two Profiles of the Contemporary World
The Two Profiles of the Contemporary World (Continued)
Into a New Millennium