The Business of People
The significance of social science over the next decade
Higher Education | Public Policy & Public Administration | Research Methods & Evaluation
The Business of People looks at the backdrop to the UK elections taking place in May 2015 to argue that we need to invest in science and innovation – not just for the sake of ‘UK plc’ and prospects for growth and economic recovery, but to inform debate and policymaking on migration, housing, devolution of power within the UK, and the UK’s position in Europe.
The report sets out the need for new economic and social knowledge and illustrates the many ways in which social scientists are contributing to changing practice and deepening knowledge. It outlines the size and structure of UK social science, its contribution to GDP, how social science graduates are essential to the work of firms, government and the third sector.
The report ends with a set of recommendations for the next few years – urgent reading for the next government – on research funding, social science capacity and the use of expert advice by government.