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The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality

The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality

Tenth Edition

December 2017 | 320 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

With the latest data on income, wealth, earnings, and residential segregation by income, The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality, Tenth Edition describes a consistent pattern of growing inequality in the United States since the early 1970s. Focusing on the socioeconomic core of the American class system, author Dennis L. Gilbert examines how changes in the economy, family life, globalization, and politics are contributing to increasing class inequality.


About the Author
Chapter 1 Social Class in America
Karl Marx

Max Weber

Three Issues and 10 Variables

What Are Social Classes?

An American Class Structure

Is the American Class Structure Changing?


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 2 Position and Prestige
People Like Us

W. Lloyd Warner: Prestige Classes in Yankee City

Prestige Class as a Concept

How Many Classes?

Class Structure of the Metropolis

Prestige of Occupations

Occupations and Social Classes

Conclusion: Perception of Social Rank and Prestige Classes

Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 3 Social Class, Occupation, and Social Change
Middletown: 1890 and 1924

Middletown Revisited

Industrialization and the Transformation of the National Class Structure

The National Upper Class

The Industrial Working Class

The New Middle Class

National Occupational System

The Transformations of the American Occupational Structure

From Agricultural to Postindustrial Society

The Loss of Manufacturing Jobs

Women Workers in Postindustrial Society

Transformation of the Black Occupational Structure

Hispanic Workers in Postindustrial Society

Wages in the Age of Growing Inequality

Growing Inequality of Wages: Why?

Harrison and Bluestone: New Corporate Strategies

Frank and Cook: Winner Take All


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 4 Wealth and Income
The Income Parade

Lessons From the Parade

The Distribution of Income

Sources of Income

Taxes and Transfers: The Government as Robin Hood?

How Many Poor?

Women and the Distribution of Household Income

The Distribution of Wealth

The Changing Distribution of Wealth

The Changing Distribution of Income

Income Dynamics

Changing Tax Rates


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 5 Socialization, Association, Lifestyles, and Values
Bourdieu: The Varieties of Capital

Children’s Conception of Social Class

Kohn: Class and Socialization

Lareau: Child Rearing Observed

Patterns of Association in Early Life

Marriage Styles

Blue-Collar Marriages and Middle-Class Models

Social Class and Domestic Violence

The Marriage Gap

Cherlin: The Disappearing Working-Class Family

Informal Association Among Adults

Formal Associations

Separate Lives

Residential Segregation


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 6 Social Mobility: The Societal Context
How Much Mobility?

Social Mobility of Women

Circulation and Structural Mobility

Declining Social Mobility

American Mobility in Comparative Perspective


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 7 Family, Education, and Career
Blau and Duncan: Analyzing Mobility Models

Jencks on Equality

The Fortunes of Sons and Daughters

Who Goes to College?

The Stratification of Higher Education


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 8 Elites, the Capitalist Class, and Political Power
Three Perspectives on Power

Mills: The National Power Elite

Mills, His Critics, and the Problem of Elite Cohesion

Power Elite or Ruling Class?

Who Rules?

Winters’ Oligarchy

The National Capitalist Class: Economic Basis

The National Capitalist Class: Social Basis

A New Elite?

The National Capitalist Class: Participation in Government

Money and Politics

The Fate of Campaign Finance Reform

Who Gives?

What Do Rich People Want?

Business Lobbies

Policy-Planning Groups

Indirect Mechanisms of Capitalist-Class Influence

The Capitalist-Class Resurgence


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 9 Class Consciousness and Class Conflict
Class Identification

Correlates of Class Identification

Class Identification, Political Opinion, and Voting

Elections and the Democratic Class Struggle

The End of the Democratic Class Struggle

Why Trump?

Policy Preference and Government Response

Class and Political Participation

Class Conflict and the Labor Movement

The Postwar Armistice: Unions in the Age of Shared Prosperity

Labor in Decline

Hacker and Pierson: Winner-Take-All Politics


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 10 Poverty and Public Policy
Roosevelt and the Beginnings of Welfare

Rediscovery of Poverty: Kennedy and Johnson

The Official Definition of Poverty

How Many Poor?

Who Are the Poor?

Trends in Poverty

The Transitory Poor and the Underclass

Restructuring Welfare

The Earned Income Tax Credit

Persistent Poverty

Economic Trends

Changing Family Patterns

Government Policy

American Poverty in Comparative Perspective


Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Suggested Readings

Chapter 11 The American Class Structure and Growing Inequality
How Many Classes Are There?

The Class Structure

Growing Inequality


Hard Times in the Age of Growing Inequality

Key Terms Defined in the Glossary

Note on Statistical Sources


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I have been using this book for many years. I think it is the best one on the market for reinforcing the structural nature of economic inequality in the US.

Dr Tawnya Adkins Covert
Sociology and Anthropology, Western Illinois University
October 1, 2019

Dennis L. Gilbert

Dennis Gilbert is Professor of Sociology Emeritus at Hamilton College. His publications include The Oligarchy and the Old Regime in Latin America, 1880 to 1970 (2017), Mexico’s Middle Class in the Neoliberal Era (2007), and Sandinistas: The Party and the Revolution (1991). More About Author

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ISBN: 9781506345963