Testing Structural Equation Models
Edited by:
- Kenneth A. Bollen - University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- J. Scott Long - Indiana University, USA
SAGE Focus Editions
SAGE Focus Editions
Other Titles in:
Quantitative/Statistical Research | Sociological Research Methods | Structural Equation Modeling
Quantitative/Statistical Research | Sociological Research Methods | Structural Equation Modeling
308 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
What is the role of fit measures when respecifying a model? Should the means of the sampling distributions of a fit index be unrelated to the size of the sample? Is it better to estimate the statistical power of the chi-square test than to turn to fit indices? Exploring these and related questions, well-known scholars examine the methods of testing structural equation models (SEMS) with and without measurement error, as estimated by such programs as EQS, LISREL and CALIS.
Kenneth A Bollen and J Scott Long
J S Tanaka
Multifaceted Conceptions of Fit in Structural Equation Models
David W Gerbing and James C Anderson
Monte Carlo Evaluations of Goodness-of-Fit Indices for Structural Equation Models
J Scott Long and Pravin K Trivedi
Some Specification Tests for the Linear Regression Model
Kenneth A Bollen and Robert A Stine
Bootstrapping Goodness-of-Fit Measures in Structural Equation Models
Michael W Browne and Robert Cudeck
Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit
Adrian E Raftery
Bayesian Model Selection in Structural Equation Models
Willem E Saris and Albert Satorra
Power Evaluations in Structural Equation Models
Bengt O Muthén
Goodness-of-Fit with Categorical and Other Nonnormal Variables
P M Bentler and Chih-Ping Chou
Some New Covariance Structure Model Improvement Statistics
Werner Wothke
Nonpositive Definite Matrices in Structural Modeling
Karl G Jöreskog
Testing Structural Equation Models