Teaching Reading to English Language Learners, Grades 6-12
A Framework for Improving Achievement in the Content Areas
"ExC-ELL is about dispelling myths regarding what ELL students can and cannot do. It's also about supporting teachers in the delivery of the high quality, rigorous instruction all students deserve. This book should be in the hands of every middle and high school teacher, serving not just ELL students, but all students who need help increasing their speaking, reading and writing skills."
"Provides a model for comprehensive literacy instruction to enhance students' vocabulary and reading comprehension while gaining and consolidating critical content knowledge in the areas of math, science, language arts and social studies. This outstanding book will prove useful to anyone who is working with English Language Learners in the intermediate grades through high school."
"A welcome addition in providing the high-quality educational experiences students need in order to master a new language and open the doors to the world of opportunity that awaits them."
"A fabulous book that covers everything teachers need to know about teaching reading to ELLs. Contains tons of information that readers can use right away."
"For ELL students to succeed academically, effective teaching strategies and best practices must be demonstrated in the classroom. This book provides a systematic and detailed map for helping to ensure success for all students."
"Offers numerous strategies for building background knowledge and making content comprehensible. Rich with graphic organizers, a glossary, and other tools for teachers."
"The best synthesis of reading strategies for secondary ELLs that I've seen. There is something for everyone in this book, from novice teachers to veterans. Doesn’t add to teachers' workloads, but instead replaces ineffective strategies with successful ones."
"What a welcome addition to the middle and high school instructional program. The ten lesson components work interactively to facilitate students' comprehension, which leads to their academic success across the content areas. Now every teacher can have the tools to become an effective language teacher!"