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Taking the Measure of Work

Taking the Measure of Work
A Guide to Validated Scales for Organizational Research and Diagnosis

352 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This reference provides researchers and consultants with quick and easy access to one hundred and thirty-seven validated measures for organizational research and consulting. The measures describe, or assess employee perceptions about and affective responses to the experience of their work within an organization. Each measure has demonstrated reliability and validity and has been used in research studies published during 1990-1999.

The measures cover:

Job Satisfaction

Organizational Commitment

Job Characteristics

Job Stress

Job Roles

Organizational Justice

Work-family conflict

Person-organization fit

Work behaviors

Work values

Whether preparing questionnaires or interviews for an employee survey, organizational assessment, dissertation or research program, this book guides users to a summary level understanding of each topic area, the measurement issues in the area, and a selection of measures to choose from. This will eliminate an often time-consuming and occasionally haphazard search for validated measures within published studies.

Organizational consultants, in particular, should find this book useful, since using validated measures can help them focus discussions with clients on the substance of their findings and away from the quality of their measurements.

1. Job Satisfaction
2. Organizational Commitment
3. Job Characteristics
4. Job Stress
5. Job Roles
6. Organizational Justice
7. Work-Family Conflict
8. Person-Organization Fit
9. Workplace Behaviors
10. Workplace Values
Name Index
Subject Index
About the Author

"It is well, well done -- I will indeed recommend it . . . this type of work has been long needed in our field."

Robert J. Vandenberg
University of Georgia

Dail L. Fields

Dail L. Fields (Ph.D., Georgia Tech, 1994) is Associate Professor at The Regent University School of Business. His research interests include measurement of employee perspectives on work, cross-cultural management, human resource management strategies and leadership and values in organizations. He has published research studies in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of organizational Behavior, Educational and Psychological Measurement, and The International Journal of Human Resource Management. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. Prior to beginning an... More About Author

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