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Success with your Early Years Research Project

Success with your Early Years Research Project

May 2014 | 160 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

‘Action research and Early Years practices go together, as naturally as the new day rising. This book is a celebration of new days. Early Years research is a practice for creative thinking for new tomorrows; the book shows us how to do this, and is to be commended for anyone who wishes to find innovative ways to think and act for all new beginnings.’ 
-Jean McNiff, Professor of Educational Research, York St John University

Where do you start with a research project? How do you choose a good question? What are tutors looking for in an outstanding project?

This book will help you answer all of the above and that is just the beginning. With examples of real research projects from students just like you, it takes you through each step of the process including:

  • Choosing your question and approach
  • Making sure your research is ethical
  • Gathering and analysing data
  • Reaching conclusions
  • Putting your findings into practice.

After each example the authors provide commentary on what made each project so good, or what needed more work, helping you see what a good project really looks like.

Suitable for anyone tackling a research project as part of the Early Years course, at foundation or degree level, this book will help you make sure your project is interesting, relevant and impacts on your practice.

Foreword by Jean McNiff
Chapter 1 - Considering Your Research Question
Chapter 2 - Theoretical Framework
Chapter 3 - Taking an Ethical Stance
Chapter 4 - Literature Review
Chapter 5 - Methodology: Choosing your Research Approach
Chapter 6 - Gathering Data
Chapter 7 - Data Analysis
Chapter 8 - Reaching Conclusions and Reflecting
Chapter 9 - Disseminating Findings
Final Reflection on the Qualities of a Practitioner Researcher

A well written book related to early years and research. The book is written with the learner in mind.

Mr gurjit singh bhatoy
Education , Stourbridge College
May 26, 2016

I recommend this book for all novice researchers. It provides an accessible yet comprehensive guide to approaching a small scale research project at undergraduate level in Early Childhood.

Ms Nicola Dawn Watson
Centre For Early Childhood, Worcester University
January 14, 2016

An accessible text, suitable for new researchers of varying ability levels.

Mrs Paula Louise Hamilton
School of Education & Community, Glyndwr University
December 15, 2015

All sections are clear and easy to follow...this makes an invaluable tool for students conducting primary research. Useful diagrams and commentaries to support further.

Mrs Claire Kathryn Pescott
Early Years and Education, University of South Wales (Glamorgan)
December 1, 2015

This book provides useful help and support for the duration of undertaking an individual research project. It allows students to seek clarity for areas e.g. method collection, sample, ethics etc. The concept of the pedagogy of early years is at the heart of this book.

Mrs Claire Kathryn Pescott
Early Years and Education, University of South Wales (Glamorgan)
February 10, 2016

Really comprehensive and practical book - the case study examples were extremely useful. Chapters on choosing the right question and interpreting findings were especially relevant

Mrs Julie Kent
School of Education, Nottingham Trent University
June 22, 2015

Helped support dissertation students

Miss Diana Parton
Department of Primary Education, Bedfordshire University
June 19, 2015

A comprehensive overview of the concept of research for students attempting their first research project.

September 1, 2015

The easy approachable nature of this book will support students undertaking their independent study module.

Mrs Alison Milner
HSCFL, South Devon College
June 15, 2015

Great book with reviews from the learners that the book is essential in completing their research task for level 5. The learners found the book a vital tool in their study.

Mrs Karen Cooke
childhood studies, North Manchester Community College
June 4, 2015

Rosie Walker

Rosie Walker is a senior lecturer within the Centre for Early Childhood, Institute of Education at the University of Worcester. She has supervised many research projects with Foundation Degree, BA and Top up students as well as Masters and is responsible for managing student practice based experience. Rosie has been involved in research projects with students and has presented her work at EECERA and BECERA as well as publishing within peer reviewed journals. Previously, she has managed two phase 1 children’s centres and is a Social Worker by professional heritage. Rosie has worked in a variety of childcare settings including child... More About Author

Carla Solvason

Dr Carla Solvason is Senior Lecturer at the University of Worcester within the Centre for Children and Families. She is the pathway lead for the Masters in Early Childhood and is a PhD supervisor. Along with her colleague, Rosie Walker, she co-authored, Success with your Early Years Research Project, also published by Sage, which has received very positive reviews and is now a key text. Carla’s first role was as a primary school teacher. During that time she completed a Masters in Gender, Literature and Modernity and a PhD in Education, specifically looking at concepts of inclusion. Before starting work at Worcester, in 2009, she spent a... More About Author

Also available as a South Asia Edition.

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ISBN: 9781446256268
ISBN: 9781446256251

SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects. SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools. Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SAGE Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.