Succeeding on your School Experience Placement
- Brian Mundy - Victoria University, Australia
Preservice Training | Preservice Training for Elementary | Preservice Training for High School
This book is designed to help pre-service teachers through one of the most important aspects of their education: their school experience placements. Highly practical and accessible, it gives guidance on what happens before, during and after placement, and provides readers with strategies on how to deal with the issues that they will encounter in school, including classroom management, lesson planning and catering for individual differences.
Each chapter includes:
· Relevant AITSL standards that are being addressed
· Key terminology that pre-service teachers need to familiarise themselves with
· Essential questions that encourage discussion of teaching practice
· Frequently asked questions by pre-service teachers with potential responses
· Placement scenarios that offer valuable learning opportunities
The book is also supported by 30+ downloadable lesson plan and classroom-ready templates.
Brian Mundy is a lecturer in Education at Victoria University.
The textbook is highly relevant for pre-service teachers, regardless of initial teacher education provider or context. The content is accessible and appropriate to Australian pre-service teachers, from course commencement to completion, and covers a broad range of relevant topics and common concerns. Our team sees many applications of this text, in terms of its applicability as a self-help resource for pre-service teachers and a reference for them to return to outside of professional experience placement units. The content provides valuable perspectives for pre-service teachers as they prepare for placements and provides the impetus for critical reflection and focused development between them. The layout, visual organisation and illustrations of information, the learning tools and templates placed throughout offer pre-service teachers opportunities to build sophisticated understandings of themselves as emergent educators and about the professional spaces they are moving into. The prompting questions and scenarios throughout speak directly to the issues that our students regularly face and are framed in language that acknowledges the importance of these issues to those new to our field. As a result, this publication makes a valuable contribution to the preparation, support and development of pre-service teachers through professional experience. Well done Brian and thank you for sharing your expertise with us in this way.