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Student Study Guide for Foundations of Psychological Testing

Student Study Guide for Foundations of Psychological Testing

Other Titles in:
Psychometrics | Test & Measurement

July 2015 | 344 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

The Student Study Guide for Foundations of Psychological Testing has 15 chapters corresponding to those in the main text and follows a consistent structure for quick and easy access to key information. To help students understand and apply material related to psychological testing, the guide offers overviews, learning objectives, outlines, key concepts, crossword puzzles, tips by learning objective, additional exercises, additional learning activities, practice questions, and answer keys.

Save your students money! Bundle the guide with the main text. Use Bundle ISBN: 978-1-5063-2208-7.

The main text, Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach, Fifth Edition, offers a clear introduction to the basics of psychological testing as well as to psychometrics and statistics. The practical book includes discussion of foundational concepts and issues, using real-life examples and situations students will easily recognize, relate to, and find interesting. A variety of pedagogical tools further the conceptual understanding needed for effective use of tests and test scores. Now aligned with the 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, the Fifth Edition offers new and expanded content throughout.

Chapter 1: What Are Psychological Tests?
Chapter 2: Why Is Psychological Testing Important?
Chapter 3: Is There a Right or Wrong Way to Use Psychological Tests?
Chapter 4: How Does Computerized Testing Work?
Chapter 5: How Do Test Users Interpret Test Scores?
Chapter 6: What Is Test Reliability/Precision?
Chapter 7: How Do We Gather Evidence of Validity Based on the Content of a Test?
Chapter 8: How Do We Gather Evidence of Validity Based on Test–Criterion Relationships?
Chapter 9: How Do We Gather Evidence of Validity Based on a Test’s Relation to Constructs?
Chapter 10: How Do We Construct and Administer Surveys and Use Survey Data?
Chapter 11: How Do We Develop a Test?
Chapter 12: How Do We Assess the Psychometric Quality of a Test?
Chapter 13: How Are Tests Used in Educational Settings?
Chapter 14: How Are Tests Used in Clinical and Counseling Settings?
Chapter 15: How Are Tests Used in Organizational Settings?

Thomas A. Stetz

Leslie Anne Miller

Leslie A. Miller, PhD, SHRM-CP, PHR, has broad experience in consulting, teaching, and researching in the area of organizational and educational assessment, measurement, and development. Currently the owner of her own consulting business, LanneM TM, LLC, she provides her clients with pragmatic and affordable talent management solutions to help them acquire, develop, and retain the talent they need to achieve desired business results. Her expertise includes designing performance improvement and management tools and knowledge tests, customizing and facilitating leadership training programs, providing assessment-based executive coaching, and... More About Author

Robert L. Lovler

Robert L. Lovler, PhD, has over 30 years of experience working as both an internal and an external consultant to Fortune 500 companies in the areas of employee assessment and selection, organizational development, strategic human resource consulting, and training design and delivery. His career began at CBS Inc., where he served in several roles, including director of training for the retail consumer electronics unit, then moving up to vice president of two different units within the CBS Publishing Group. He is currently senior vice president of global human resources at Wilson Learning Corporation, an international consulting firm that... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781506308050