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Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis

Third Edition

December 2019 | 200 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
David Knoke and Song Yang's Social Network Analysis, Third Edition provides a concise introduction to the concepts and tools of social network analysis. The authors convey key material while at the same time minimizing technical complexities. The examples are simple: sets of 5 or 6 entities such as individuals, positions in a hierarchy, political offices, and nation-states, and the relations between them include friendship, communication, supervision, donations, and trade. The new edition reflects developments and changes in practice over the past decade. The authors also describe important recent developments in network analysis, especially in the fifth chapter. Exponential random graph models (ERGMs) are a prime example: when the second edition was published, P* models were the recommended approach for this, but they have been replaced by ERGMs. Finally, throughout the volume, the authors comment on the challenges and opportunities offered by internet and social media data.
Series Editor’s Introduction
About the Authors
Chapter 1. Introduction to Social Network Analysis
Chapter 2. Network Fundamentals
2.1. Underlying Assumptions

2.2. Entities and Relations

2.3. Networks

2.4. Research Design Elements

Chapter 3. Data Collection
3.1. Boundary Specification

3.2. Data Collection Procedures

3.3. Cognitive Social Structure

3.4. Missing Data

3.5. Measurement Error

3.6. Collecting Network Data

Chapter 4. Basic Methods for Analyzing Networks
4.1. Network Representation: Graphs and Matrices

4.2. Nodes: Centrality, Power, Prestige

4.3. Dyads: Walk, Path, Distance, Reachability

4.4. Subgroups: Transitivity and Cliques

4.5. Whole Networks: Size, Density, Centralization

4.6. Structural, Regular, and Automorphic Equivalence

Chapter 5. Advanced Methods for Analyzing Networks
5.1. Ego-Nets

5.2. Visualizations: Clustering, MDS, Blockmodels

5.3. Two-Mode and 3-Mode Networks

5.4. Community Detection

5.5. Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs)

5.6. Future Directions in Network Analysis

Appendix: Social Network Analysis Software Packages

One of the most clear and yet comprehensive explanations of network analysis in research that I have ever read. 

Howard Lune
Hunter College, CUNY

This book provides a solid foundation for conducting a social network analysis for all analytics professionals

Michael Levin
Otterbein University

Knoke and Yang have written a compelling new edition that balances timeless description of key network concepts with a fresh set of examples drawn from the myriad instances in which social scientists are using social network analysis to understand relationships. 

Brian G. Southwell
RTI International and Duke University

David H. Knoke

David Knoke (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1972) is a professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota, where he teaches and does research on diverse social networks, including political, economic, healthcare, intra-  and interorganizational, and terrorist & counterterror networks. In addition to many articles and chapters, he has written seven books about networks: Network Analysis (1982, with James Kuklinski), The Organizational State (1985, with Edward Laumann), Political Networks (1990), Comparing Policy Networks (1996, with Franz Pappi, Jeffrey Broadbent, and Yutaka Tsujinaka), Changing Organizations ... More About Author

Song Yang

Song Yang (Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2002) is a professor of sociology and criminology at the University of Arkansas. His teaching and research areas are social network analysis, including business, economic, and organizational networks, work and organization studies, and social statistics. He published many articles and chapters, with the most recent ones on Journal of Business Research and Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. He has written several books, including Social Network Analysis (2008, with David Knoke), The Invisible Hands of Political Parties in Presidential Elections: Party Activists and... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781506389318

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