Skills in Rational Emotive Behaviour Counselling & Psychotherapy
Michael Neenan, Centre for REBT, Bromley, Kent
Skills in Rational Emotive Behaviour Counselling and Psychotherapy is a practical guide to the application of the rational emotive behavior approach at each stage of the therapeutic process. Taking the reader through these stages, the book focuses on skills which arise out of rational emotive behavior theory as well as those invoked by the therapeutic relationship.
Accessibly written by the authority in this field, Windy Dryden uses his thirty years of experience in REBT training to draw on skills that trainees and those seeking to incorporate REBT into their existing practice find particularly difficult. He discusses:
- Theoretical and practical features of REBT and the importance of the therapeutic alliance
- The skills involved in the active-directive approach
- Specific examples of clients' problems
- Helping clients to identify and deal with core irrational beliefs
- Homework negotiation
- Common reasons for and skills in responding to client lack of progress
For all those training in REBT or who wish to sharpen their skills as practitioners, this is essential reading.
very useful text - especially for post grad CBt students