Situational Analysis
Grounded Theory After the Postmodern Turn
Situational analysis is unique in that it both uses and extends grounded theory; it employs established coding and memoing strategies, while extending the method to include three new kinds of maps and analyses of the situation focused upon in one's research. This is also the first publication about using grounded theory with historical, visual, and discursive materials.
Through this book, grounded theory has been thoroughly remodeled. Pulling together diverse traditions in social theory and providing a coherent methodological translation for them, this renovation is both scholarly and practical. The text is as an exemplar for updating and reinterpreting research approaches in light of contemporary philosophical and methodological sensibilities.
A timely and erudite critique of grounded theory, clearly favoring the Straussian line, and none the worse for that.
With passion and bravura Situational Analysis maps the structures, discourses, and silences hidden in qualitative research. Adele Clarke offers the best of both worlds: a theoretically grounded methodology and a methodologically useful theory. This book is a must read for every researcher contemplating a study of people doing things together.
This is an essential read for all grounded theorists engaged in qualitative research. Not an easy read, complex at times, but inspirational and thought provoking.
Essential reading for phenomenological research
Very interesting book - but not essential reading for an introduction course to qualitative data analysis.
This book is an excellent book and would be an excellent addition to any masters programme. It is my belief however, that this book is too complex for our undergraduates and it is written in a very adademic style, that is at times difficult to read.
This does not take anything away from the book, it is well written and when i start teaching on the MSc programme i will highly recommend it to my students
Good for the more advanced student.
This is a great book for those already familiar with grounded theory. It will be of value to doctoral level students of professional studies at SHU
Comprehensive guide to data analysis in grounded theory, adding further credibility to GT analysis. Recommended text for researchers using GT.