Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications
- Kathrynn A. Adams - Guilford College
- Eva K. McGuire - Guilford College
Quantitative/Statistical Research | Research Methods | Research Methods in Psychology
The Third Edition includes a new chapter on measurement to better highlight its critical importance, updates for the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, new examples related to social justice, additional sections on qualitative research methods, and more thorough integration of research ethics information and tips throughout each chapter.
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Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications, Third Edition + Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications, Third Edition
Bundle ISBN: 978-1-0718-8933-6
Online resources included with this text
The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank, editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides, lecture notes, downloadable datasets for accompanying material in the book, and answers to end of chapter statistics exercises.
The open-access Student Study Site offers datasets for accompanying material in the book are available for download.
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Third Edition by
Adams. Kathrynn
McGuire (aka: Lawrence) Eva
Focus on practical applications.
We used the first and second editions in our own research methods and analysis courses for several years and with great success. Our students appreciated the conversational tone of the writing, the practice opportunities, and the applications of key concepts. Other professors who adopted or reviewed the previous editions commented positively about the writing style and organization, and the integration of current research. Many mentioned that they found the final “putting it all together” chapter to be a unique and important feature of the text. In writing this third edition, we aimed to build on and strengthen those aspects that students and professors found most useful.
The third edition includes new examples from the current research literature from psychology, criminal justice, politics, and education. We updated our citation and reference guidelines based on the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2020). We provide an annotated APA-style research paper and published manuscript in the Appendix that we updated with the 7th edition guidelines for this edition. A unique feature of the book continues to be a sustained focus on ethics, and as such we updated the language to be more inclusive and in line with new APA guidelines, added current examples relating to social justice, and integrated ethics tips within the chapter. Because measurement is such a critical part of research design, we reorganized material in the book and added a full chapter devoted to this topic. Although we continue to focus on quantitative analyses, we added a section on qualitative analyses as they relate to the case study. We also rearranged some chapters to improve the flow, updated the illustrations, and made a stronger connection with the companion Student Study Guide and IBM® SPSS® Workbook. For professors who are using jamovi instead, we created an alternative workbook for jamovi that is available on the instructor resource site.
Sample Materials & Chapters
CHAPTER 1 Thinking Like a Researcher
CHAPTER 2 Build a Solid Foundation for Your Study Based on Past Research