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Regression Basics

Regression Basics

Second Edition

November 2007 | 240 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Second Edition has been expanded to include recent developments in regression as well as coverage of estimation with multiple cross-sections of data across time (panel data). More end-of-chapter problems based on the examples that are woven through the book, along with screenshots to further aid readers working with Microsoft® Excel® and SPSS have also been included.
1. An Introduction to the Linear Regression Model
2. The Least-Squares Estimation Method: Fitting Lines to Data
3. Model Performance And Evaluation
4. Multiple Regression Analysis
5. Non-Linear and Logarithmic Models, Dummy and Interaction
6. Time Variables and Panel Data: A Simple Introduction
7. Some Common Problems In Regression Analysis
8. Where To Go From Here
Appendix A: Data Sets Used In Examples
Appendix B: Instructions for Using Excel and SPSS
Appendix C: t Table
Appendix D: Answers To Problems

A really clear introduction to regression, well-pitched for graduate students. The introductory chapters provide an excellent background to the more advanced topics, e.g. on interactions. It's also slim and light enough to carry around and dip in and out of.

Dr Sunjeev Kamboj
Research Department of Clinical, Eductional and Health Psychology, University College London
August 22, 2014

A short volume but provides all the basics. Clearly presented. An excellent introduction.

Dr Sunjeev Kamboj
Research Department of Clinical, Eductional and Health Psychology, University College London
December 21, 2013

Excellent book. easy to read and very useful examples

Dr William McCluskey
Dept of the Built Environment, Ulster University
April 25, 2012

Although the book has at times a few informative graphical representations, I feel it might not be concrete enough for my students.

Dr Johan Braeken
Departement of Methodology & Statistics, Tilburg University
March 22, 2012

Suitable to use and purpose

Dr Paschal Anosike
Human Resources Management, Wolverhampton University
October 11, 2010

This book was easy to understand for undergraduate students and served as a good introduction to basic regression analysis used in Econometrics. A few simple data sets provided by the text provided continuity between the chapters, but additional data sets are needed to provide students with more practical experience. It is helpful to have a more extensive econometrics text on reserve for students as a reference. Instructors are will likely want to supplement the book with supplementary materials in order to cover some topics more extensively like Time Series and Logistic Regressions.

Professor Paul Bartlett
Economics Finance Dept, St Peters College
April 12, 2010

Leo H. Kahane

Leo Kahane is a Professor of Economics at California State University, East Bay.  He earned his B.A. degree in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and his Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University.  He has authored numerous book chapters and published articles in economics journals. He is also the founder and editor of the Journal of Sports Economics.  He and his wife Cathy live in Oakland, California with their two sons, Jacob and Matthew Zoe. More About Author

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ISBN: 9781412951265

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