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Reexamining Family Stress

Reexamining Family Stress
New Theory and Research

Volume: 193
Other Titles in:
Family Life Education

224 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This challenging new inquiry liberates the study of family stress from the traditional positivist notions of the ABC-X model, favouring a new systemic paradigm which views stress as a multifaceted phenomenon with multiple causes and coping strategies.

Using a series of qualitative and quantitative studies of different families in stress, the authors outline the various patterns of family responses to stress, the elements of the family system most affected by stressful events and the helpfulness or harmfulness of differing family management strategies.

Paradigms and Assumptions
A Systems Model of Family Stress
Research Design
Changes in Overall Family Functioning
Variation Within the Family System
Reconceptualizing Coping Strategies
When Are Coping Strategies Helpful and Harmful?
Developmental Patterns in Family Coping
General Principles, Implications and Future Directions

Wesley R. Burr

Shirley Klein