Recruiting and Training Successful Substitute Teachers
A Multimedia Training Program
- James B. Rowley - University of Dayton, USA
- Patricia M. Hart - University of Dayton, USA
Other Titles in:
Multimedia Kits & Facilitator's Guides | Staff Supervision / Evaluation / Retention
Multimedia Kits & Facilitator's Guides | Staff Supervision / Evaluation / Retention
186 pages | Corwin
This complete program is designed to help district and building administrators set up training that can significantly improve substitute teachersÆ performance. Give your substitute teachers the support and the structure they need to become effective teachers, not just 'substitutes.' Each Multimedia Package includes everything you need in one comprehensive kit!''ò FacilitatorÆs Guide''ò ParticipantÆs Notebook''ò Over 120 minutes of professionally produced videotaped sessions''ò CD-ROM with more than 250 PowerPoint« slides; compatible with Mac and Windows