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Race & Crime

Race & Crime

April 2012 | 224 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

In this original and cutting-edge new textbook, Mike Rowe explores the key topics in race and crime. Examining the main issues from a historical and comparative approach, the book fully situates arguments and ideas in a global context with contemporary examples. Encouraging readers to think critically about well-worn debates, Race & Crime covers a diverse range of issues, including:

  • Representation and disproportionality
  • Victimisation
  • Human Rights
  • Terrorism
  • Popular culture
  • Governance

As with all books in the Key Approaches to Criminology series, Race & Crime features extensive learning features to help students to fully engage with topics covered. These include: chapter overviews, study questions, further reading and key terms.

Stylishly written yet accessible, Race & Crime will prove invigorating, vital reading for students in criminology, sociology, race and ethnic studies, and cultural studies.

'Race', 'Crime' and Society
The Social Construction of 'Race'
The Social Construction of 'Crime'
Race and Crime: A Critical Engagement
Structure of the Book
Study Questions
Further Reading
Race, Crime and the Criminological Imagination
Race and the Development of Classical Criminology
Criminology as Science: Race and the Emergence of the Positivist School
Race, Ethnicity and Sociological Positivism
'Empiricism' to 'Social Constructionism'
Study Questions
Further Reading
Race, Crime and Popular Culture
Race and Crime in News Media
Screen Fiction
Digital Media
Study Questions
Further Reading
Disproportionality in Offending
Statistical Evidence of Disproportionality
Other Evidence of Disproportionality
Guns, Gangs and Street Crime: Mugging and Onwards
Race and Crime: A Critical Realist Perspective
Study Questions
Further Reading
Race and Victimization
Minority Ethnic Groups and Criminal Victimization
Racist Hate Crime: Victims and Perpetrators
Responding to Racist Crime
Study Questions
Further Reading
Race, Conflict and Human Rights
Human Rights Abuse and the Failure of Criminology
Towards a Criminology of Genocide
Criminology, Environmental Harm and Neo-Colonialism
Study Questions
Further Reading
Disproportionality in the Criminal Justice System
Minority Ethnic Groups in the Criminal Justice System of England and Wales
International Comparisons
Explaining the Over-Representation of Minorities in Criminal Justice Systems
Study Questions
Further Reading
Diversity and Representation in the Criminal Justice System
Recruitment, Retention and Promotion
Enhancing Diversity within the Criminal Justice System
Promoting the Diversity Agenda
Workforce Diversity: Necessary but Insufficient Conditions for Reform
Study Questions
Further Reading
Islam, Terrorism and Security
Introduction: Terrorism and Security into the 21st Century
Muslims as 'Suspect Communities'
Study Questions
Further Reading
Race and Crime: A Critical Engagement
Ethnic Monitoring in Criminal Justice
Study Questions
Further Reading

In this wide-ranging and ambitious book, Michael Rowe has managed the difficult feat of being both scholarly and accessible. He provides a critical and thought-provoking analysis of criminology's long-standing and problematic relationship to questions of race and ethnicity, and, drawing on a range of resources from the local to the global, argues convincingly that criminology should attend more closely to the harms to minority groups that result from the crimes of the powerful
David Smith
Lancaster University

In this book, Mike Rowe presents material in relation to the broad area of race and crime in new and refreshing ways. Debates traditionally featured under 'race and crime' are given a contemporary twist, providing students, researchers, practitioners and others with challenging new insights. The material is clearly presented and very engaging
Basia Spalek
The University of Birmingham

Rowe calls for an exploration of the processes of racialization, with a particular focus on how the concepts of race and crime, in various contexts, circumstances and times, have developed, been utilized and applied to make sense of the social world. For Rowe, the concepts of race and crime have real implications as both ‘are real in their consequences’...This book provides a constructive way forward for the study of race and crime.

Anita Kalunta-Crumpton
Texas Southern University

In a short review, I cannot do justice to the treasury of such nuggets supporting subtle arguments in these 300 pages - well charted in every sense. But if you have ever wondered about what happens when business meets academia but never dared to find out yourself, this would be a great place to start.

Diana Hunter

Throughout this compelling and comprehensive book, Mike Rowe boldly confronts society's persistent blurring of the difference between race and ethnicity. The author eloquently illustrates the issues surrounding ethnicity and crime, the feelings of isolation and shame, vulnerability, and a myriad of relevant topics. This is a must-read for all students who are studying race, crime and victimisation.

Mr Aliraza Javaid
School of Social, Psychological & Comm, Leeds Beckett University
March 4, 2015

An impressive book.
It provides wide ranging coverage on a range of important issues connected to race and crime. An impressive overview is provided which draws upon an extremely wide literature base - and offers multiple perspectives and interpretations.

Mr Matthew Scandrett
(FSSH) Criminology , London Metropolitan University
February 19, 2015

This is an excellent text that provides a detailed, accessible and up-to-date overview and analysis of the criminological material on race, ethnicity and crime. I think that the theoretical and historical chapters are of particular use for UG students, and it is a really helpful text for the race & ethnicity segment of our module

Mr Trevor Jones
School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
October 15, 2013

An excellent book which I am strongly recommending to students on two modules

Professor Andrew Pilkington
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Northampton University
April 8, 2013

This is an excellent competitor for the US textbooks in the same tradition, and also for the long-used Bowling & Philips book on 'Race' and Crime in the UK.
The context which it gives to the experience of BME people in the UK and abroad of the 'race'-crime nexus is superb. It is the key text my students will go to in the coming year.

Dr Lucy Michael
Social Science , Hull University
January 22, 2013

Good core reading for criminal justice undergraduates.

Dr Ivan Hill
School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University
November 7, 2012

A well written book, suitable for my level 4 and 5 students on the Foundation degree in Policing studies

Mr Peter Norton
Uniformed public services, Sheffield College
October 9, 2012

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter One

Michael Rowe

Professor Michael Rowe's research interests have tended to focus on accountability and governance in policing, and the changing organisation and delivery of policing in relation to diversity, professionalisation, the application of Evidence Based Policing and the challenges of policing in a digital age. A recent project has explored the changing nature of visible policing in relation to the impact of police buildings, material culture and social media on public perceptions of legitimacy and authority, as well as on police officer and staff professional culture and identity. Other projects have examined innovative police responses to... More About Author

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ISBN: 9781849207263