Psychology of Learning
Five Volume Set
Edited by:
- David Shanks - University College London, UK
August 2009 | 2 064 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Psychology of Learning brings together the major publications in the psychology of learning from the past 30-40 years. This is the first time this historically influential material, much of it hard to obtain, is available in one resource. The major reference work will be a foundation source for individuals and institutions building their knowledge of learning research. This invaluable research tool amalgamates the original sources that have most significantly shaped research in recent years in basic learning theory, connectionism, development, language acquisition, plasticity, and applied topics such as training and the role of learning in addiction and mental disorders such as depression. This set builds on comprehensive reviews published to date and is true to the historical evolution of the field by presenting a collection of the milestone highly-cited articles that capture the field's development.
Volume 1
Robert A. Rescorla
Robert A. Rescorla and Allan R. Wagner
N.J. Mackintosh
John M. Pearce and Geoffry Hall
John M. Pearce
James L. McClelland and David E. Rumelhart
James L. McClelland, Bruce L. McNaughton and Randall C. O'Reilly
Wolfram Schultz, Peter Dayan and P. Read Montague
Mark E. Bouton
John Garcia and Robert A. Koelling
Paul Rozin and James W. Kalat
Paul L. Brown and Herbert M. Jenkins
R.J. Herrnstein
B.F. Skinner
William F. Brewer
Arthur S. Reber
Don E. Dulany, Richard A. Carlson and Gerald I. Dewey
Neal J. Cohen and Larry R. Squire
Antoine Bechara, Hanna Damasio, Daniel Tranel, and Antonio R. Damasio
John R. Anderson
Douglas L. Medin and Marguerite M. Schaffer
Robert M. Nosofsky, Thomas J. Palmeri and Stephen C. McKinley
Mark A. Gluck and Gordon H. Bower
Lynn Hasher and Rose T. Zacks
Gordon D. Logan
Steven R. Quartz and Terrence J. Sejnowski
Mark R. Rosenzweig and Edward L. Bennett
K. Anders Ericsson, Ralf Th. Krampe, and Clemens Tesch-Römer
Robert S. Siegler
D.E. Rumelhart and J.L. McClelland
Steven Pinker
Mark S. Seidenberg and James L. McClelland
Jeffrey L. Elman
Jenny R. Saffran, Richard N. Aslin and Elissa L. Newport
Ellen M. Markman and Jean E. Hutchinson
Elizabeth S. Spelke, Karen Breinlinger, Janet Macomber and Kristen Jacobson
Elissa L. Newport
Susan A. Gelman and Ellen M. Markman
Steven F. Maier and Martin E.P. Seligman
Arne Öhman and Susan Mineka
Mark E. Bouton, Susan Mineka and David H. Barlow
Robert Eisenberger
Howard Rachlin and Leonard Green
Terry E. Robinson and Kent C. Berridge
H.S. Terrace
Ido Erev and Alvin E. Roth
Joshua Klayman and Young-Won Ha