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Psychology of Infancy

Psychology of Infancy

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

2 168 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This six-volume major work brings together influential works which explore the key conceptual issues and findings in research on infant development. With a strong focus on the contemporary research and ideas around the topic, these volumes also contain classic papers which have made important contributions to current images of infancy. The result is a comprehensive research tool which provides a historical account of infancy research, as well as an overview of the current state of play in the field.

Each volume contains an introductory chapter in which the editors provide an overview of the literature and a guide to the relationships between topics, as well as providing the rationale behind the selection of the articles therein.

Volume 1: The beginnings of life: Foetal development, atypical development and basic sensory abilities

Volume 2: Memory development and object perception            

Volume 3: Motor development, spatial awareness and multisensory perception

Volume 4: Cognitive development: From Piaget to the developing Theory of Mind

Volume 5: The developing awareness of the social world: From imitation to talking

Volume 6: Social development: Forming attachments and becoming self-aware

Prenatal Development, Risk Factors and Atypical Development
Part One: Embryonic Period to Foetal Period (Normal Developing)
Developmental Change in Fetal Response to Repeated Low-Intensity Sound

Seiichi Morokuma et al.
Evidence of Transnatal Auditory Learning

Christine Moon and William Fifer
Newborn Infants Prefer the Maternal Low-Pass Filtered Voice, but Not the Maternal Whispered Voice

Melanie Spence and Mark Freeman
Part Two: Effects of Risk Factors on the Foetus (Teratogens)
Fetal Alchohol Syndrome and the Developing Socio-Emotional Brain

Alison Nichols
The Factors Contributing to the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

E. Athanasakis S. Karavasiliadou and I. Styliadis
Prenatal Antecedents of Newborn Neurological Maturation

Janet DiPietro et al.
Cognitive Outcomes of Preschool Children with Prenatal Cocaine Exposure

Lynn Singer et al.
Part Three: Atypical Development – Down Syndrome, Sensorially Impaired, Multiple Impairments, Origins of Autism in Infancy Period
The Development of Joint Attention in Blind Infants

Ann Bigelow
Autism during Infancy: A Retrospective Video Analysis of Sensori-Motor and Social Behaviors at 9-12 Months of Age

Grace Baranek
Atypical Perceptual Narrowing in Prematurely Born Infants Is Associated with Compromised Language Acquisition at 2 Years of Age

Eira Jansson-Verkasalo et al.
Atypical Object Exploration at 12 Months of Age Is Associated with Autism in a Prospective Sample

Sally Ozonoff et al.
Contingency Learning in 9-Month-Old Infants with Down Syndrome

P.S. Ohr and J.W. Fagen
Perceptual and Motor Development
Part Four: Basic Visual and Auditory Abilities
Development of Human Visual Function

Oliver Braddick and Janette Atkinson
Development of Visual Perception

Scott Johnson
Where Infants Look Determines How They See: Eye Movements and Object Perception Performance in 3-Month-Olds

Scott Johnson, Jonathan Slemmer and Dima Asmo
The Development of a Human Auditory Localization Response: A U-Shaped Function

Darwin Muir, Rachel Clifton and Marsha Clarkson
One-Year-Old Infants Follow Others’ Voice Direction

Federico Rossano, Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello
Part One: Object Perception, Including Perceptual Constancies and Memory Development
Size Constancy at Birth: Newborn Infants’ Responses to Retinal and Real Size

Alan Slater, Anne Mattock and Elizabeth Brown
What Do Infants Remember When They Forget? Location and Identity in 6-Month-Olds’ Memory for Objects

Melissa Kibbe and Alan Leslie
Dissociations in Infancy Memory: Rethinking the Development of Implicit and Explicit Memory

Carolyn Rovee-Collier
The Ontogeny of Long-Term Retention during the Second Year of Life

Jane Herbert and Harlene Hayne
Part Two: Perceptual Categories, Causality, Perception of Animate Action
Basic Level and Superordinate-Like Categorical Representations in Early Infancy

Gundeep Behl-Chadha
The Nature and Structure of Infant Form Categories

Paul Bomba and Einar Siqueland
The Acquisition of Expertise as a Model for the Growth of Cognitive Structure

Paul Quinn
Global-before-Basic Object Categorization in Connectionist Networks and 2-Month-Old Infants

Paul Quinn and Mark Johnson
Precursors of Infants’ Perception of the Causality of a Simple Event

Leslie Cohen and Geoffrey Amsel
Do Six-Month-Old Infants Perceive Causality?

Alan Leslie and Stephanie Keeble
One-Year-Old Infants Use Teleological Representations of Actions Productively

Gergely Csibra
Infants’ Ability to Distinguish between Purposeful and Non-Purposeful Behaviors

Amanda Woodward
Part Three: Perception across Occlusion: Perceptual Precursors of Permanence
Newborn Infants’ Perception of Partly Occluded Objects

Alan Slater et al.
Infants’ Perception of Object Trajectories

Scott Johnson et al.
Infants’ Evolving Representations of Object Motion during Occlusion: A Longitudinal Study of 6- to 12-Month-Old Infants

Gustaf Gredebäck and Claes von Hofsten
Development of Object Concepts in Infancy: Evidence for Early Learning in an Eye-Tracking Paradigm

Scott Johnson, Dima Amso and Jonathan Slemmer
Illusory Contour Figures Are Perceived as Occluding Surfaces by Four-Month-Old Infants

J. Gavin Bremner et al.
Part One: Motor Development and Relations between Perception and Action
Development of Reaching in Infancy

Neil Berthier and Rachel Keen
A Pick-Me-Up for Infants’ Exploratory Skills: Early Simulated Experiences Reaching for Objects Using ‘Sticky Mittens’ Enhances Young Infants’ Object Exploration Skills

Amy Needham, Tracy Barrett and Karen Peterman
How Do You Learn to Walk? Thousands of Steps and Dozens of Falls per Day

Karen Adolph et al.
Newborn Stepping: An Explanation of a 'Disappearing' Reflex

Esther Thelen and Donna Fisher
Effect of Self-Produced Locomotion on Infant Postural Compensation to Optic Flow

Carol Higgins, Joseph Campos and Rosanne Kermoian
Specificity of Learning: Why Infants Fall over a Veritable Cliff

Karen Adolph
Part Two: Spatial Orientation
The Role of Self-Produced Movement and Visual Tracking in Infant Spatial Orientation

Linda Acredolo, Anne Adams and Susan Goodwyn
Egocentric versus Allocentric Coding in Nine-Month-Old Infants: Factors Influencing the Choice of Code

J. Gavin Bremner
Travel Broadens the Mind

JosephCampos et al.
The Development of Relational Landmark Use in Six- to Twelve-Month-Old Infants in a Spatial Orientation Task

A. Lew, J. Bremner and L. Lefkovitch
Spatial Updating and Training Effects in the First Year of Human Infancy

D. Tyler and B.E. McKenzie
The Contribution of Visual and Vestibular Information to Spatial Orientation by 6- to 14-Month-Old Infants and Adults

J. Gavin Bremner et al
Part Two: Multisensory Perception, Including Synaesthesia
Intermodal Perception at Birth: Intersensory Redundancy Guides Newborn Infants’ Learning of Arbitrary Auditory-Visual Pairings

Alan Slater et al.
Crossmodal Learning in Newborn Infants: Inferences about Properties of Auditory-Visual Events

Barbara Morrongiello, Kimberley Fenwick and Graham Chance
Preverbal Infants’ Sensitivity to Synaesthetic Cross-Modal Correspondences

Peter Walker et al.
Sound Symbolism during Infancy? Evidence for Sound-Shape Cross-Modal Correspondences in 4-Month-Olds

Ozge Ozturk, Madelaine Krehm and Athena Vouloumanos
The Effects of Auditory Information on 4-Month-Old Infants’ Perception of Trajectory Continuity

J. Gavin Bremner et al.
Intersensory Redundancy Guides the Development of Selective Attention, Perception and Cognition in Infancy

Lorraine Bahrick, Robert Lickliter and Ross Flom
The Development of Intersensory Temporal Perception: An Epigenetic Systems/Limitations View

David Lewkowicz
Part One: Piaget’s Constructivist Theory and More Recent Work on Object Permanence
The First Year of Life of the Child

Jean Piaget
Spatio-Temporal Identity in Infancy: Perceptual Competence or Conceptual Deficit

George Butterworth, Nicholas Jarrett and Linda Hicks
Abilities and Neural Mechanisms Underlying AB Performance

Adele Diamond
Rethinking Infant Knowledge: Toward an Adaptive Process Account of Successes and Failures in Object Permanence Tasks

Yuko Munakata et al.
Infants’ Perseverative Search Errors Are Induced by Pragmatic Misinterpretation

József Topál et al.
Part Two: Nativist Approaches and VoE Techniques
Core Knowledge

Elizabeth Spelke and Katherine Kinzler
Infants’ Physical World

Renée Baillargeon
Addition and Subtraction by Human Infants

K. Wynn
Infant Brains Detect Arithmetic Errors

Andrea Berger, Gabriel Tzur and Michael Posner
Do You Believe in Magic? Infants’ Social Looking during Violations of Expectations

Tedra Walden et al.
Reconceptualizing the Origins of Number Knowledge: A “Non-Numerical” Account

Tony Simon
Part Three: Origins of a Theory of Mind
Developmental parallels in understanding minds and bodies

Alan Leslie
Do 15-Month-Old Infants Understand False Beliefs?

Kristine Onishi and Renée Baillargeon
Infants’ Insight into the Mind: How Deep?

Josef Perner and Ted Ruffman
Attribution of Beliefs by 13-Month-Olds Infants

Luca Surian, Stefania Caldi and Dan Sperber
Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Show False Belief Understanding in an Active Helping Paradigm

David Buttelmann, Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello
Part One: Early imitation, Development of Self-Recognition, Knowledge of the Self and Others
Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by Human Neonates

Andrew Meltzoff and M. Moore
“Like Me”: A Foundation for Social Cognition

Andrew Meltzoff
Rational Imitation in Preverbal Infants

G. Gergely, H. Bekkering and I. Király
Selective Imitation of In-Group over Out-Group Members in 14-Month-Old Infants

D. Buttelmann et al.
The Social Side of Imitation

H. Over and M. Carpenter
Part Two: Face Perception, Including Other Race Effect, Attractiveness
Newborn Infants Prefer Attractive Faces

Alan Slater et al.
Representation of the Gender of Human Faces by Infants: A Preference for Female

Paul Quinn et al.
Is Face Processing Species-Specific during the First Year of Life?

Olivier Pascalis, Michelle de Haan and Charles Nelson
Development of the Other-Race Effect in Infancy: Evidence towards Universality?

David Kelly et al.
Newborn Infants’ Preference for Attractive Faces: The Role of Internal and External Facial Features

Alan Slater et al.
Developmental Origins of the Other-Race Effect

Gizelle Anzures et al.
Part Three: Voice and Speech Perception, Including Infant-Directed Speech
Infants’ Detection of Sound Patterns of Words in Fluent Speech

Peter Jusczyk and Richard Aslin
Statistical Learning by 8-Month-Old Infants

Jenny Saffran, Richard Aslin and Elissa Newport
Infants Show a Facilitation Effect for Native Language Phonetic Perception between 6 and 12 Months

Patricia Kuhl et al.
Becoming a Native Listener

Janet Werker
Infant-Directed Speech Drives Social Preferences in 5-Month-Old Infants

Adena Schachner and Erin Hannon
Infant-Directed Speech Facilitates Word Segmentation

Erik Thiessen, Emily Hill and Jenny Saffran
The Developmental Course of Lexical Tone Perception in the First Year of Life

Karen Mattock et al.
Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition

Alexa Romberg and Jenny Saffran
Part Four: Communication and First Words
Caregivers’ Gestures Direct Infant Attention during Early Word Learning: The Importance of Dynamic Synchrony

Nancy de Villiers Rader and Patricia Zukow-Goldring
The Role of Discourse Novelty in Early Word Learning

Nameera Akhtar, Malinda Carpenter and Michael Tomasello
Precis of How Children Learn the Meanings of Words

Paul Bloom
What Does Syntax Say about Space? 2-Year-Olds Use Sentence Structure to Learn New Preposition

Cynthia Fisher, Stacy Klingler and Hyun-Joo Song
Meaning from Syntax: Evidence from 2-Year-Olds

Sudha Arunachalam and Sandra Waxman
Part One: Attachment Theory, Strange Situation, Cross-Cultural Differences
Attachment in Toddlers with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders

Fabiënne Naber et al.
Differences in Attachment Security between African-American and White Children: Ethnicity or Socio-Economic Status?

Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg et al.
Security of Attachment as a Predictor of Symbolic and Mentalising Abilities: A Longitudinal Study

Elizabeth Meins, Charles Fernyhough, James Russell and David Clark-Carter
Attachment Patterns and Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Second Year

Cristina Riva Crugnola et al.
Part Two: Development of Self and Gender
Spatial Determinants in the Perception of Self-Produced Leg Movements by 3–5 Month Old Infants

Philippe Rochat and Rachel Morgan
Social Awareness and Early Self-Recognition

Philippe Rochat, Tanya Broesch and Katherine Jayne
Infants’ Preferences for Toys, Colors, and Shapes: Sex Differences and Similarities

Vasanti Jadva, Melissa Hines and Susan Golombok
Male More than Female Infants Imitate Propulsive Motion

Joyce Benenson, Robert Tennyson and Richard Wrangham
Developmental Change in Infants’ and Toddlers’ Attention to Gender Categories

Kristen Johnston et al.
Part Three: Social Interaction and Early Prosocial Development, Peer Interaction and Cooperation
Maternal Responsiveness to Very Young Children at Three Ages: Longitudinal Analysis of a Multidimensional Modular and Specific Parenting Construct

Marc Bornstein
How Infants and Toddlers React to Antisocial Others

Kiley Hamlin et al.
Origins of “Us” versus “Them”: Prelinguistic Infants Prefer Similar Others

Neha Mahajan and Karen Wynn
Altruistic Helping in Human Infants and Young Chimpanzees

Felix Warneken and Michael Tomasello
Young Children Are Intrinsically Motivated to See Others Helped

Robert Hepach, Amrisha Vaish and Michael Tomasello
Part Four: Using Social Information: Social Referencing
The Role of Intersensory Redundancy in the Emergence of Social Referencing in 5½-Month-Old Infants

Mariana Valiant-Molina and Lorraine Bahrick
Uncertainty Matters: Impact of Stimulus Ambiguity on Infant Social Referencing

Geunyoung Kim and Keumjoo Kwak
Mother Knows Best: Effects of Maternal Modelling on the Acquisition of Fear and Avoidance Behavior in Toddlers

Friederike Gerull and Ronald Rapee

J Gavin Bremner

Alan M. Slater

Alan Slater is Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology at the University of Exeter. He is the co-editor of The Blackwell Reader in Developmental Psychology (Blackwell, 1999), Theories of Infant Development (Blackwell Publishing, 2004) and An Introduction to Developmental Psychology (Wiley, 2017) as well as the the 5-volume reference work Infancy (SAGE, 2013). More About Author