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Psychoanalytic Aspects of Fieldwork

Psychoanalytic Aspects of Fieldwork

Volume: 18
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96 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
`Jennifer Hunt has made a saltatory step in facilitating the capacity of investigators in the field to make effective use of their inner emotional resources... Drawing upon her own experiences and upon in-depth interviews of a number of her colleagues, she convincingly demonstrates that unconscious strivings, aversions and emotional conflicts within the investigator play a major role in the process of selecting, studying and constructing hypotheses about target populations' - Martin A Silverman
The Sociological Perspective on Fieldwork
The Psychoanalytic Perspective on Fieldwork
Transference and Countertransference in Fieldwork

Jennifer C. Hunt

Specializationsociology of police, police organization and culture, police training on the handling of emotionally disturbed persons, women and policing, police use of force, police executive training, police management, risk in sports, qualitative methods, ethnography. More About Author

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