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Post-Soviet Politics

Post-Soviet Politics

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

September 2012 | 1 616 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Around twenty years since the end of the Cold War, social, political and economic turmoil appears to have been replaced by a period of stability within Russia. The broader shift from a bi-polar world to one of multi-polarity in which rising powers and former Great Powers vie for representation has, however, not been without considerable instability as Russia has sought to re-define her status in the post-Communist period. These relations have, of course, been further complicated by a series of conflicts in post-Soviet space, ethnic wars within Russia and on her borders, and broader political and social changes associated with national and Islamic revivalism, as well as the war on terror. Debates both within and on the politics of post-Soviet relations continue, as complex regional dynamics in Central Asia, the Greater Middle East and Eastern Europe shape foreign relations. Equally, the end of Communism, the ensuing political liberalism and economic 'shock' therapy have led to significant changes within the social make-up of Russia. These themes have been used not only to offer insight into the changing social, economic and political relations in the Yeltsin and Putin eras, but this has also led to considerable debates about exactly what post-Communism and Post-Sovietism actually mean. This context affords a much needed opportunity to revisit post-Soviet politics in order to collate seminal pieces on the historical trends, political changes and international dynamics which continue to evolve, and which have framed the post-Communist period. The central aim of these four volumes is to capture this diversity so as offer a timely collection of seminal excerpts on post-Soviet politics, thereby giving insight into how we understand Russia today.
Alexander Dallin
Causes of the Collapse of the USSR
Vladimir Shlapentokh
The Soviet Union
A Normal Totalitarian Society

Stephen Cohen
Was the Soviet System Reformable?
Archie Brown
The Soviet Union
Reform of the System or Systematic Transformation?

Mark Kramer
The Reform of the Soviet System and the Demise of the Soviet State
Karen Dawisha
The Question of Questions
Was the Soviet Union Worth Saving?

Stephen Hanson
Reform and Revolution in the Late Soviet Context
Georgi Derluguian
Alternative Pasts, Future Alternatives?
Stephen Cohen
A Reply
Archie Brown
Gorbachev and the Reform of the Soviet System
R. Davies
Gorbachev's Socialism in Historical Perspective
Donna Bahry
Society Transformed? Rethinking the Social Roots of Perestroika
Dmitri Glinski and Peter Reddaway
The Ravages of 'Market Bolshevism'
George Breslauer
Evaluating Yeltsin as Leader
Thomas Carothers
The End of the Transition Paradigm
Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way
The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism
Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss
The Myth of the Authoritarian Model
How Putin's Crackdown Holds Russia back

Rick Simon
Passive Revolution, Perestroika and the Emergence of the New Russia
Richard Sakwa
The Dual State in Russia
Stephen Hanson
The Uncertain Future of Russia's Weak State Authoritarianism
Stephen White
Rethinking Post-Communist Transition
Michael Urban
December 1993 as a Replication of Late-Soviet Electoral Practices
Stephen White
Elections Russian-Style
Ian McAllister and Stephen White
'It's the Economy, Comrade!'
Parties and Voters in the 2007 Russian Duma Election

Ian McAllister and Stephen White
Voting 'against All' in Post-Communist Russia
Stephen White
Political Disengagement in Post-Communist Russia
A Qualitative Study

Geoffrey Evans and Stephen Whitefield
Explaining the Emergence and Persistence of Class Voting for Presidential Candidates in Post-Soviet Russia, 1993-2001
Timothy Colton and Henry Hale
The Putin Vote
Presidential Electorates in a Hybrid Regime

Richard Rose and William Mishler
How Do Electors Respond to an 'Unfair' Election? The Experience of Russians
Kenneth Wilson
Party-System Development under Putin
Vladimir Gel'man
Party Politics in Russia
From Competition to Hierarchy

Regina Smyth, Anna Lowry and Brandon Wilkening
Engineering Victory
Institutional Reform, Informal Institutions and the Formation of a Hegemonic Party Regime in the Russian Federation

Ora John Reuter and Thomas Remington
Dominant Party Regimes and the Commitment Problem
The Case of United Russia

Luke March
Power and Opposition in the Former Soviet Union
The Communist Parties of Moldova and Russia

Stephen White and Ian McAllister
The Putin Phenomenon
M. Steven Fish
The Executive Deception
Super-Presidentialism and the Degradation of Russian Politics

Petra Schleiter and Edward Morgan-Jones
The Benefits and Perils of Presidential

Julie Cassiday and Emily Johnson
Putin, Putiniana and the Question of a Post-Soviet Cult of Personality
Olga Kryshtanovskaya and Stephen White
Putin's Militocracy
Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan
Russia's New Nobility
The Rise of the Security Services in Putin's Kremlin

Vladimir Putin
Russia on the Eve of the Millennium
Richard Ericson
Does Russia Have a 'Market Economy'?
David Lane
Russia's Asymmetric Capitalism in Comparative Perspective
Michael Haynes
Labour, Exploitation and Capitalism in Russia before and after 1991
Joseph Stiglitz
Whither Reform? Ten Years of the Transition
Philip Hanson and Elizabeth Teague
Big Business and the State in Russia
Pamela Abbott and Claire Wallace
Talking about Health and Well-Being in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Russia
John Round and Colin Williams
Coping with the Social Costs of 'Transition'
Everyday Life in Post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine

Graeme Robertson
Managing Society
Protest, Civil Society and Regime in Putin's Russia

Suvi Salmenniemi
Civic Activity - Feminine Activity? Gender, Civil Society and Citizenship in Post-Soviet Russia
K.B. Usha
Political Empowerment of Women in Soviet Union and Russia
Ideology and Implementation

Leslie Holmes
Corruption and Organized Crime in Putin's Russia
Yakov Gilinskiy
Crime in Contemporary Russia
Oleg Yanitsky
The Shift of Environmental Debates in Russia
Jennifer Patico
Spinning the Market
The Moral Alchemy of Everyday Talk in Post-Socialist Russia

Sarah Oates
A Neo-Soviet Model of the Media
Sarah Henderson
Selling Civil Society
Western Aid and the Non-Governmental Organization Sector in Russia

Sarah Henderson
Civil Society in Russia
State-Society Relations in the Post-Yeltsin Era

Margot Light
Post-Soviet Russian Foreign Policy
The First Decade

Alfred Rieber
Persistent Factors in Russian Foreign Policy
An Interpretive Essay

Jeanne Wilson
The Legacy of the Color Revolutions for Russian Politics and Foreign Policy
Mohiaddin Mesbahi
Russian Foreign Policy and Security in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Cerwyn Moore and Paul Tumelty
Assessing Unholy Alliances in Chechnya
From Communism and Nationalism to Islamism and Salafism

Mark Kramer
Russian Policy towards the Commonwealth of Independent States
Recent Trends and Future Prospects

Richard Rose and Neil Munro
Do Russians See Their Future in Europe or the CIS?
William Zimmerman
Slavophiles and Westernizers Redux
Contemporary Russian Elite Perspectives

2009 National Security Strategy for the Period to 2020 (Strategiya natsional'noi bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii do 2020 goda)
2010 Military Doctrine (Voennaya doktrina Rossiiskoi Federatsii)
The 2008 Foreign Policy Concept (Kontseptsiya vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii)
Stephen White
Elite Opinion and Foreign Policy in Post-Communist
Roy Allison
Russia Resurgent? Moscow's Campaign to Coerce Georgia to Peace
Dov Lynch
Russia and the CSFP
Vladimir Baranovsky
A Part of Europe or apart from Europe?

Andrei Tsygankov
Vladimir Putin's Vision of Russia as a Normal Country
Allen Lynch
The Realism of Russia's Foreign Policy
Dmitri Trenin
Russia and the Emerging Security Environment in Northeast Asia
Derek Averre
Russian Foreign Policy and the Global Political Environment

"This is a marvellous resource. It's a wide-ranging collection incorporating many pivotal publications focusing on Russia in the last two decades. It brings together a wide range of readings focusing on Russian politics, foreign policy, economy and society from a very diverse range of sources. Contemporary Russia is never simple to decipher, but this volume goes a long way towards demystifying the complex processes behind its multifaceted transformation. It's a must-read."

- Luke March, University of Edinburgh

These volumes provide a careful selection of articles and texts that offer scholarly depth on individual topics but also impressive breadth in the range of subjects and intellectual approaches covered. The result is a distinct and valuable reference resource for all those involved in teaching and studying the transformation of Russia and its foreign relations.

Dr. Roy Allison

University Lecturer in the International Relations of Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, University of Oxford, Fellow, St. Antony's College

Stephen Leonard White

Cerwyn Moore

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ISBN: 9781446208090