Possibility Studies & Society
Its main themes are creativity, imagination, innovation, agency, improvisation, serendipity, wonder, counterfactual thinking, pretend play, the future, anticipation, utopia / dystopia and social and technological change. However, all submissions that reflect on the antecedents, processes, and consequences of exploring, expanding or constraining possibilities for individuals, communities and society will be considered.
Possibility Studies and Society is interdisciplinary in nature and welcomes contributions from psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, educators, designers, engineers, arts and creative industries specialists, as well as anyone with an interest in psychological, social, technological, cultural and political possibilities as they play out at an individual, group and societal level.
While the journal has an ongoing and open call for contributions, most of its issues are thematic, including both invited and uninvited submissions relevant for the given theme. All submissions will be subjected to rigorous, blind peer review.
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/pos.
Possibility Studies and Society publishes theoretical inquiries, empirical research and practical applications into human and social possibilities and impossibilities, considered in psychological, material, technological, cultural, and political terms.
Its main themes are creativity, imagination, innovation, agency, improvisation, serendipity, wonder, counterfactual thinking, pretend play, the future, anticipation, utopia / dystopia and social and technological change. However, all submissions that reflect on the antecedents, processes, and consequences of exploring, expanding or constraining possibilities for individuals, communities and society will be considered.
Possibility Studies and Society is interdisciplinary in nature and welcomes contributions from psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, educators, designers, engineers, arts and creative industries specialists, as well as anyone with an interest in psychological, social, technological, cultural and political possibilities as they play out at an individual, group and societal level.
While the journal has an ongoing and open call for contributions, most of its issues are thematic, including both invited and uninvited submissions relevant for the given theme. All submissions will be subjected to rigorous, blind peer review.
Vlad Petre Glaveanu | Dublin City University, Ireland |
Wendy Ross | London Metropolitan University, UK |
Sergio Agnoli | University of Trieste, Italy |
Samantha Copeland | TU Delft, The Netherlands |
Constance de Saint Laurent | Maynooth University, Ireland |
Roy Baumeister | President, International Positive Psychology Association, USA |
Ronald A. Beghetto | University of Connecticut |
Kiene Brillenburg Wurth | Utrecht University, The Netherlands |
Kerry Chappell | University of Exeter, UK |
Giovanni Corazza | University of Bologna, Italy |
Nathan Crilly | University of Cambridge, UK |
Andrea Gaggioli | Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Italy |
Alex Gillespie | London School of Economics, UK |
Michael Hanchett Hanson | Teachers College, Columbia University, USA |
Daniel Harris | RMIT University, Australia |
Na Na Anna Hui | City University of Hong Kong, China |
Zorana Ivcevic Pringle | Yale University, USA |
Ingunn Johanne Ness | University of Bergen, Norway |
Maciej Karwowski | University of Wroclaw, Poland |
James C. Kaufman | University of Connecticut, USA |
Bem Le Hunte | University of Technology Sydney, Australia |
Ioana Literat | Teachers College, Columbia University, USA |
Todd Lubart | University of Paris, France |
Lorenzo Magnani | University of Pavia, Italy |
Lambros Malafouris | Oxford University, UK |
Alfonso Montuori | California Institute of Integral Studies, USA |
Takeshi Okada | University of Tokyo, Japan |
Thomas Ormerod | University of Sussex |
Roberto Poli | University of Trento, Italy |
Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez | São Paulo State University, Brazil |
Roni Reiter-Palmon | University of Nebraska Omaha, USA |
Zayda Sierra | University of Antioquia, Colombia |
Dean K. Simonton | Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis, USA |
Bharath Sriraman | University of Montana, USA |
Min Tang | University of Applied Management, Germany |
Thomas Teo | York University, Canada |
Jaan Valsiner | Aalborg University, Denmark, 1995-2025 |
Miguel John Versluys | Leiden University, the Netherlands |
Brady Wagoner | Aalborg University, Denmark |
Luciana Dantas de Paula | University of Brasilia, Brazil |
Nicolas Verger | Dublin City University, Ireland |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.