Personal Relationships During Adolescence
Edited by:
- Raymond Montemayor - Ohio State University, USA
- Gerald R. Adams - University of Guelph, Canada, Utah State University, USA
- Thomas P. Gullotta - Child and Family Agency (CT), USA
256 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The ways in which critical interpersonal bonds are forged and maintained are the focus of this interdisciplinary volume. Parent-teenager relations, the impact of cultural diversity on social development, cliques and both same-sex and opposite-sex friendships are among the topics explored. Examining the nature and impact of various adolescent personal relationships, the contributors also explore heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual romantic involvements, and young people's relationships with non-kin adults.
Raymond Montemayor
The Study of Personal Relationships During Adolescence
W Andrew Collins and Daniel J Repinski
Relationships During Adolescence
Patricia Noller
Relationships with Parents in Adolescence
Catherine R Cooper
Cultural Perspectives on Continuity and Change Across the Contexts of Adolescents' Relationships
James Youniss, Jeffrey A McLellan and Darcy Strouse
`We're Popular, But We're Not Snobs'
B Bradford Brown, Margaret S Mory and David A Kinney
Casting Adolescent Crowds in a Relational Perspective
Wyndol Furman and Elizabeth A Wehner
Romantic Views
Ritch C Savin-Williams
Dating Those You Can't Love and Loving Those You Can't Date
Nancy Darling, Stephen F Hamilton and Starr Niego
Adolescents' Relations with Adults Outside the Family
Raymond Montemayor and Virginia R Gregg
Current Theory and Research on Personal Relationships During Adolescence