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Open Editor Positions

At Sage Publishing, we are committed to being an inclusive organization where all individuals are treated with fairness and respect. We believe that diversity is one of the cornerstones of a vibrant culture and we seek to promote the benefits of diversity in all of our activities. We welcome applications for our open editor positions from people of all backgrounds, irrespective of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief. 

Our website is regularly updated with the latest roles across our Social Science, Humanities, Science, Technology, and Medicine journals. Applicants should send a letter of application which includes their CV, vision for the future of the journal, and a description of their qualifications for the role of interest.

Browse the Open Positions in your relevant discipline: 

Interested in becoming a Sage Guest Editor in an Open Access Journal? 

Learn more about submitting a proposal for serving as Guest Editor for a Special Collection in a Sage Open Access journal.

Click here to browse the standard job description and requirements of our Open Positions. (Please note that the following job descriptions may not be applicable to every position).


Business & Management

Business & Society

Cancer & Oncology

Cancer Control

Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment

Clinical Medicine

Health Services Management Research

Autism & Developmental Language Impairments

Clinical Medicine & Surgery

Advances in Rehabilitation Science and Practice

Natural Product Communications

Brain Science Advances


Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice

Youth Justice

    Cultural Studies

      International Journal of Cultural Studies


      Arts and Humanities in Higher Education

      Gifted Child Today

      History and Literature

      Literature & History

      Materials Science & Engineering

      Energy Exploration & Exploitation

      Measurement and Control

      Journal of Composite Materials

      International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems


      Progress in Transplantation

      Journal of Human Lactation

      Other Health Specialties

      Progress in Transplantation

      Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences

      Pharmacology & Toxicology

      Toxicology and Industrial Health

      Public Health 

      INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing

      Psychology, Psychiatry and Counselling

      Emerging Adulthood

      Science & Society Studies

      Environmental Health Insights

      Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals

      • Editor – Deadline March 1st, 2025

      Air Soil and Water Research


      Youth & Society

      Job Descriptions

      Read the standard job descriptions for our editor positions: 

      Journal Editor/Editor-In-Chief

      The Editor or Editor-in-Chief is the head of the editorial team. The Editor or EIC is responsible for:

      • Framing journal editorial policy jointly with Sage (and society partner if applicable), working with the Editorial team on development plans, indexing strategy, etc. 
      • Ensuring an adequate flow of material to meet the publication schedules 
      • Working with the Editorial team/Editorial Board to commission Special Issues 
      • Assisting in the appointment of other members of the editorial team for the journal 
      • Distributing journal business cards/flyers/other promotional material at conferences 
      • Final decisions on the acceptance or rejection of articles submitted to the journal via an online submission system. In all cases the Editor-in-Chief’s decision on a paper will be final 
      • Dealing with all author appeals regarding decisions 
      • Chairing Editorial Board Meetings unless special arrangements have been made

      Managing Editor

      Managing Editors act as the main contact for the Sage Publishing Editor. They are responsible for:

      • Supporting the Editorial team primarily with the facilitation of the peer review process using the journal online submission system, but also in any additional activities as necessary to help with the smooth running of the journal 
      • Ensure that any objections to the propriety of the peer review process are investigated and reported to Sage 
      • Ensure at least two independent reviews are received on submissions (except desk rejects) 
      • Working with the Editorial team/Editorial Board to commission Special Issues 
      • Promptly respond to author queries, escalating or referring any issues to Sage as needed 
      • Checking that editorial board information is up to date, assisting with the recruitment of new editors and editorial board members, and inviting new Editorial Board Members 
      • Exporting articles to Production via online submission system as soon as the manuscript is accepted and ensuring the author contribution forms have been returned before publication 
      • Acting as main point of contact for Sage Production Editor, liaising with regards to such matters as length of issues and space available for manuscripts 
      • Checking journal issue proofs

      Associate Editor

      Associate Editors are appointed to cover a subject specialty, or particular geographical region, of major importance to the journal concerned. They are responsible for:

      • Assessing papers at submission for quality, English language, scope etc. and rejecting where necessary 
      • Being the focus of editorial activity in their specialty, working to enhance the journal’s visibility and reputation 
      • Actively recruiting authors to contribute to the journal 
      • Obtaining referees from their network 
      • Inviting referees from personal network or online submission site for papers assigned on the system 
      • Assisting in the framing of journal editorial policy 
      • Assisting in the appointment of other editorial team members 
      • Assisting in the final decision or making recommendations on articles as requested 
      • Attending Associate Editor Meetings and providing a brief report on progress/activity where necessary

      Reviews Editor

      The Review Editor is responsible for the commissioning and publication of Reviews for the Journal. Review Editors will:

      • Commission authors to submit review papers for the journal, with the assistance of the Editor and Editorial Board 
      • Identify gaps in the journal or hot topics for which review papers may be timely/beneficial 
      • Make decisions on review papers after peer review 
      • Chase authors as required to ensure that papers are submitted in a timely manner 
      • Work with Guest Editors to commission review papers for Special Issues 
      • Provide analysis of previously published review papers to contribute to future editorial strategy

      Social Media Editor

      • Should be knowledgeable (or enthusiastic about learning) about social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and any forums that are active in your field 
      • Works with the Editor, other editorial board members, and authors to promote the journal and its content through social networks
      • Responsible for posting article links on the social media channels, connecting with authors or others in the field on behalf of the journal using social media, engaging with the community, maintaining consistent blog content (such as author interviews or article highlights), and more

      Editorial Board Members

      In order to assist in the growth and development of the journal, Editorial Board Members are expected to: 

      • Submit at least one research or review paper every 1-2 years themselves 
      • Review delayed papers or make referee recommendations if unavailable 
      • Guest edit Special Issues/suggest Special Issue topics/suggest colleagues who may be able to guest edit 
      • Encourage colleagues and other contacts to submit articles 
      • Referee articles for the journal, according to expectations set out by editorial team 
      • Adjudicate on papers with conflicting reports when requested by the Editor 
      • Suggest names of suitable referees and obtain referees as requested 
      • Suggest possible candidates for the Editorial Board 
      • Keep the Editorial Board advised of relevant forthcoming events/conferences 
      • Keep the Editorial Board advised of current research activities that may be of interest to the Journal 
      • Provide their views on issues of journal policy 
      • Provide feedback on the progress of the journal 
      • Contribute ideas for the development of the journal, particularly in response to requests from the Editor-in-Chief 
      • Raise awareness about the journal 
      • Attend Editorial Board Meetings in person or by teleconference 
      • Assisting in the allocation of prizes