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“This primer is an excellent resource for students learning the basic functions of SPSS, the power of statistics, and the basic premises underlying inferential and descriptive statistics.”
“I love this book…. The structure, content and format are superior in every way to what I have been using, and will make my task easier and the students learning curve shorter.”
“This book provides a tremendous amount of detail and is useful in walking a new user through the steps of using the software. The visuals are helpful and clear, the level of writing is good for beginning students, and the concepts are presented clearly.”
“The key strength of the text is in the opening chapters, which should help students get a strong and confident beginning in the use of SPSS…. The text will also be a valuable reference guide for our students as they conduct research in the two methods courses that follow statistics.”
“I frequently have graduate students that need [help with] SPSS. This text would bring joy into their lives.”