“In Social Policy for Children and Families, Jensen and Fraser bring together leading experts in the institutions and service systems responsible for children and families whose circumstances place them at risk for school failure, delinquency, mental health, substance abuse and other social problems.
“As it has been for a decade, this is the best book that is available for those who want to think beyond a single sector of services to consider how we can better serve the diverse needs of families needing resources and strategies from education, substance abuse, developmental disabilities, mental health, child welfare, health, and juvenile services.”
“By focusing on resiliency throughout this valuable text, Jenson and Fraser provide the reader with a sensitive and respectful view of at-risk children and their families. This text will be a useful guide in the child and family services field and is a must-read for those who provide services to this vulnerable population.”
“Social Policy for Children and Families is an essential text for any course on social policy for at-risk children and youth. Students will be motivated to advocate for the needs of children and families after reading this book.”
“This text maintains a focus on children and families but does not limit the discussion to students of social work. The inclusion of literature on each topic is wonderfully extensive, and the text provides a great reference list on each topic.”
“The continuity of thoughts, consistent themes all throughout the text, and emphasizing risk and protective factors were a distinguishing feature of this text.”
love the risk and resilience focus and focus on children and families.