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This book pulls the reader into on-going and always current debates in the area of developmental psychology, providing an extraordinary combination of pedagogical challenge and inviting didactics. It stands out from other textbooks with its relevant and contemporary viewpoints on human development across the life span, covering theories of child development, including biological viewpoints, as well as methodological issues in child development research.
This textbook is a very good choice for an introductory course in developmental psychology. The text is well structured, it reads well, and it covers the main topics in an updated, engaging and comprehensible manner without being too voluminous.
This new and well-written edition will really help my students to understand developmental psychology.
I would recommend it to staff and students on Education Studies courses who wish to get a deeper understanding of development beyond the brief mentions of Piaget and Vygotsky that they might find in many Education Studies textbooks. This book will offer greater depth on those topics and others but in a way that is accessible to a student without a psychology background. In summary, a really good book for anyone who is looking to introduce themselves or their students to the field of child development.
Available in library - not on essential reading.
This is an excellent text, covering the core issues of child development at a good level. In additition the reader will be encouraged to develop their ow; understanding at a deeper level.
I thought this is a really excellent text for our students - who are clinical psychology students learning about child development to inform their clinical work with young people.
It strikes an excellent balance between being comprehensive and excessively detailed. The book is clearly written, and includes a good mix of theory and facts about development.
This book is a good source, especially for novice professionals entering into the field of working with children. It addresses core issues in a manner which flows through the various developmental stages. It is great for undergraduate students.
Very good and well rounded publication which fits with several of our BA (Hons) in Early Years modules making it a recommended choice for our students
This text allows students to understand the importance of Child development and how variables can impact on their social, environmental and cognitive processes.
This is an accessible and informative book which introduces and explains key themes of the subject. The content is up to date and includes relevant and appropriate learning tasks for students to consolidate their learning.
A good overview and insight to theory and covers core themes embed as part of our programme. Easy to read and digest.
Does not link to the current content of the Foundation Degree in Education., but could prove useful as wider reading.
Essential down to earth, detailed and easy to understand text which I have adopted for all students. They just get it and that makes their study more effective and enabling for the children they work with.
This is a great text for those who are interested in how children develop, what 'norm's are and how we as educators can help to develop all children.
A detailed and informative book that will provide students with an excellent introductory grounding in child development
This is a key text that clearly presents a range of perspectives on child development in one volume. This is ideal for our students on our child development modules. I really like the style of presentation in the book and the use of colour to enhance accessibility.
An excellent resource with detailed information relating to lifespan development in children; Relates well to Btec level 3 units 4 and 10
An excellent resources for students . A very informative academic text for child development.
A well set out book with an accessible writing style which does not compromise on it's academic content.