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“This practical and timely book prepares the practitioner to take concrete steps to align curriculum with the CCSS. This resource provides a lot of practical tools and advice for stepping up our work in the elementary grades.”
“This book is accessible, easy to follow, and has practical application. The author merges the practices of backward design, curriculum mapping, differentiating instruction, and standards-driven teaching into one usable tool.”
"This book is a rich and detailed guide for mapping comprehensive units to the ELA CSS. With a laser focus, the author cuts to the heart of what we need to know, understand, and do, while validating best instructional practices we may already be using. She provides a wealth of examples for better understanding CCSS and aligning comprehensive units to them."
“This easy-to-use, step by step guide really makes the process of mapping and curriculum development using the ELA Common Core Standards accessible and seamless. It is an excellent tool for a Professional Learning Community and for new and veteran teachers.”
“This book is a rich resource that immerses teachers in the new ELA Common Core Standards, providing them with a practical, quality instrument to plan exciting, content-rich units of study. With effective tools, examples and processes to plan, assess and differentiate instruction, she enables teachers to design lessons and units so that all students achieve to their highest potential.”
"Kathy's book is relevant for teachers, administrators and policymakers as we ramp up to the implementation of Common Core State Standards. Kathy Glass takes the daunting task of reorganizing curriculum and assessments to the new English Language Arts standards and provides clear strategies to make the instructional shift. Her articulation of the new ELA standards combined with templates, rubrics, and samples of formative and interim task assessments will guide teachers through successful implementation."
Curriculum changed.