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Very practical and applied. Recommended.
The focus of the book is on how can marketing be used to find, evaluate and exploit venture opportunity. How to leverage marketing as a start-up, in the development and promotion of new products and services. Chapters are written in a way to allow readers to apply the described concepts and strategies to their own ventures. A great book for the course. Easy, enjoyable read.
A nice step by step approach to improving marketing understanding for students and professionals alike.
Good marketing textbook providing entrepreneurial perspective. If it contained some more exercises it would be even better. Modest in terms of design and graphics.
It adds entrepreneurial perspective to consumer marketing mainly, but not all entrepreneurs operate in B2C sector. So, ideas for entrepreneurs operating in b2b should be also considered.
Well focused for the marketing portion of my basic entrepreneurship course.
This book provides an essential understanding to those start-up entrepreneurs that have zero managerial competence. In addition, this book also provides a key insight about why building and sustaining business relationships is a key successful factor for start-ups
I have adopted and required Introduction to leadership by Northouse for ALL 5 of my courses for FALL 2013 and plan to do the same for ALL 7 of my courses in SPRING 2014. I trust that I am your leading professor for using this text. It is outstanding. Your courage to publish it is appreciated.
Also, I have adopted Introduction to Intercultural Communication ALL 3 of my Intercultural Communication courses this academic year.
As general marketing management text book, this book is not fit to the one who is unfamiliar with marketing theories. However, for specialist or consultant who need more wonderful idea, this book is the answer, especially for business owner. Hence, for student, you need this book if you want to build your own business. It is what you are looking for.
Intersting spin on traditional Marketing with some essential messages for Entrepreneurs
A good basic text suitable for students working within SMEs
Highly readable introduction to marketing
An updated version of a classic.
Nice overview on entrepreneurship marketing tools